Chapter 4: Richard, rooftops and a kiss

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I closed the door and leaned against the wall. Why was this happening to me? Could I not turn off the way he made me feel?

I decided to put on a summer dress as it was unusually warm outside. I liked the way I looked in dresses. I wasn't thin but dresses usually hugged my body in all the right places, but then it also concealed the parts of my body I wasn't really proud of. Walking down the stairs, I found Taron wasn't there yet. He probably was still showering. I couldn't stop my mind imagining him under the shower, letting the water run over his perfect body.

"Miriam" Andrew shouted. He was just coming in the front door. "Could you come in the office for a second?"

"Sure, what is it?" I asked, trying to push the images of naked Taron from my mind. I didn't succeed. We sat down.

"Could you please talk to Disney regarding the script for the next Kingsman movie? They should have sent it already" He groaned. "They're always late with these sorts of things. You will find the contacts in your phone".

My inner fangirl screamed "Yes, of course. I will get right to it. I started the laptop I had set up here yesterday. "Could you tell Taron I'm busy? We actually planned to walk around London a bit". My smile faltered. Taron would have to wait, I wanted to make a good impression on the job. I would spend a lot of time around him anyway.

"Sure" Andrew smiled. He seemed like a nice guy.

After I have talked to Disney about the movie script and dealt with some mails and interview requests I decided to get lunch. It was already 3 PM. I checked the house and it seemed like nobody was around. I decided to get my handbag and hit town. As I was walking towards Big Ben, my favourite place of all in London even though it was quite crowded, I decided to eat at Pret-A-Manger. There was a shop nearby I have actually been to before. I chose a baguette and the lovely chocolate cookies they baked which were still a bit warm when you ordered them. Sitting by the window I enjoyed watching pedestrians walk by. Most of them were in a hurry. I smiled. This was really my life now huh?

After doing some shopping I got back to the house. It's then I heard Taron talk to a familiar voice in the living room. No, no, it couldn't be. I probably heard wrong. I slowly walked towards them and realised there was actually Richard sitting there! They were chatting about something but stopped and turned around when they heard footsteps behind them.

"Hi there" Taron said and smiled. "Have you met Richard yet?"

Richard got up to greet me. He was quite a bit taller than Taron and he was dressed in black "Hey, how are you?" He asked and hugged me. I didn't punch him in the gut. Thank God.

"Oh, uhm, I'm fine" I muttered. Richard was so pretty in person. The pictures didn't do him justice. He looked me up and down. Was there something wrong with my dress? With my hair?

"Why don't you join us?" Taron asked. "We were just talking about that gala event in France. Oh and Richard will come to Comic Con too". I was confused. What was Richard doing at Comic Con? Was he there with the Game of Thrones cast? Richard still stood there looking at me. I was starting to sweat.

"I actually still have some work to do" I was looking for an excuse to get out of there "Why don't we talk later?" I asked.

"I would love to" Richard said and smiled.

As I was leaving the room Taron and Richard got back to their conversation and I heard them laughing while I was walking towards the office. Were they laughing about me?

Later that day I was chatting with Diana when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it.

Taron stood there in a tight pair of jeans and a coloured shirt. I actually saw a bit of chest hair there and I almost lost it. "Do you want to hit town with us?" He asked as he was walking around my room.

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