Chapter 27: Dreams come true

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5 years later

I am sitting in our nice lounge chair by the window of our Hampstead home. I glance outside to watch as Sophie and our four-year-old boy George play in the garden outside. I smile just as Taron comes around the corner with our breakfast.

"Hi mommy" Taron says as he smiles down on me.

"Hi daddy" I grin as I glance him up and down. Our life will never be boring. I am still as attracted to him as I was on the first day. In his white t-shirt and sweat pants he looks as hot as usual.

We eat our breakfast unhurriedly which is rare these days. Not only are our kids keeping us on our toes all the time. Now that Taron won the Oscar for his movie role there is a huge buzz surrounding him. I am so proud of him. I am still his assistant and set him up with a proper fan club. People are really loving him. I can't blame them.

"We should get ready" I say as Taron clears the plates.

"I'll go get the kids" Taron says as he walks outside.

I dress Sophie who has long blonde hair and as I braid it I glance over at Taron and George. He looks so much like his dad. Both our kids are becoming prettier by the day, those are definitely Taron's genes. We also teach them to be humble and kind and even though they don't really understand the media buzz they will have to get used to it at some point. We keep our private life as private as possible.

We walk downstairs and wait for the car to pick us up for Jess and Andrew's wedding. I can't wait to see them again. Jess is actually pregnant and they wanted to get married before she started to show.

Sophie is really excited to meet Liam there, they are best friends. Diana and Richard actually live nearby and they had another boy Adam who is now one year old.

"I love you, Mrs. Egerton" Taron says as he pulls me closer to him.

"And I love you, Mr. Egerton" I whisper back before our lips meet.

All my dreams have come true and I still couldn't believe all of this was real.

To my readers:

Thank you again to everyone who has read and shared this! It means so much, you can't even imagine it.

I never thought it would be as successful and you would love it as much as you do.


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