Chapter 9: Confessions & Conventions

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Oh I was so fucked.

"So?" Taron raised his eyebrows. Oh boy, he was mad. He was sexy when he was angry, but I was also slightly scared.

I had to think and act fast now. Damn I was tired and he was so pretty. I only had two options really. I could lie to him and say it was someone else's profile. But that wouldn't explain why that account was set up on my phone and the user name was Miriam. He would see through that lie immediately. Urgh why did he have to stare at me like that?

The second option was that I told him it was my profile. That would be humiliating though. Things would never be the same. Whatever it was we had. This could go both ways. My mind was flooded with crazy thoughts. He could either fire me or leave his girlfriend for me? I was going crazy here.

"I'm sorry, Taron" I said quietly. "I really am" I looked up and he was still staring at me, his brows furrowed.

"Is this your profile?" He snapped and held up my phone again.

"Just like ripping off a band aid" I thought. I took a deep breath.

"Ah you are back" Jess smiled. Apparently she woke up because, well Taron had raised his voice. "How was the Lion King?" She had no idea what had just happened.

"Sorry Jess, would you leave me and Miriam alone?" Taron spoke calmly, but his eyes were steely.

Jess looked at me, surprised. "Uh, sure" She walked out of the living room and glanced back at me before she went out of sight.

Just great. "Can we discuss this tomorrow?" I asked Taron. Where were his family and Emily anyway?

Taron huffed "No, we are going to discuss this now." He gave me my phone back. "Is that your profile? You know..." he groaned. Oh I could get used to that sound "I have read some pretty crazy things on there."

I sighed. Here we go "Yes, it's my profile" He looked up, surprised. Why was he surprised? "But please let me explain" He remained silent, but kept looking at me "I sent most of these tweets ages ago" I laughed. "I was younger then and I didn't know what I was doing" That seemed to be my excuse these days. I left out the part about how obsessed I was with him.

He blew out a breath, but said nothing.

"Could you please just say something?" I asked him calmly. "Should I go upstairs and pack my bags?"

"No" he said. I would have fired me, if I had been in his position. "What about tonight's tweets?"

"Well we were just having some fun" I shrugged. I really didn't know what else to say.

"Should I be concerned?" Taron asked "You know, scrolling through that profile" I wanted to hit my hand against my forehead. How much had he seen? "It seemed like an obsession. Not that I have any experience with that" He chuckled lightly. Well, lucky him.

Oh dear God help me. "No it's fine really. That was in the past. It has been five years. You have nothing to worry about. I am glad I get to work for you" I saw a smile cross Taron's face before it got replaced with a frown "In a completely non-obsessed, business relationship kind of way".

He looked at me and I saw hurt flicker his features before he retained composure. "Good" he went to leave. "See you tomorrow" he said as I heard him going up the stairs.

I was standing in the living room on my own. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I went up to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I was full of emotions and started crying. How could this happen? I hadn't set up a screen lock in my phone yet, so it hadn't been difficult for him to grab it and swipe the screen. I took out my phone and scrolled through my Twitter page. Tonight's tweets seemed fine compared to what else I found:

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