Chapter 10: Accidents

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I couldn't believe Taron and I would have to share a room. On the one hand I was pretty excited about this, but then sharing a bathroom and possibly a bed with him? Holy shit!

We took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and Taron swiped the key card over the lock and we went into OUR room. "Please just let it be two beds" I thought. I would die right on the spot if we slept in the same bed. I would practically not sleep at all. Hey, here's a thought, I could spend all night watching him sleep. I had to stifle a giggle.

The room was big and we actually had a view over the bay and the skyline of San Diego since the hotel was located on the island offshore. There was a couch, a TV, a fridge, a desk I could work at and ONE bed. I tried to stay positive. At least we had a couch I could sleep on.

"I'll take the couch" Taron said, walking over to the couch and pulling his suitcase after him.

"No, no, no" I protested. "You are the boss, I am the assistant. I will take the couch" I wouldn't want to let him sleep on the couch. It was way more important that he slept well. There would be a lot of press the following days and he was the one who had to look rested and pretty. Well he would be pretty either way. I grinned at that thought.

"I won't let you sleep on the couch" Taron kept me from walking anywhere near it.

"Oh come on" I objected "You are the one who has to look pretty. No one gives a shit about me" Oops, I really said that, huh?

Taron laughed. "Would you prefer we share the bed?" He had the audacity to raise his right eyebrow.

He was kidding, wasn't he? "All right, you take the couch" I backed down. I couldn't share a bed with him. Even if it was so big we wouldn't even touch.

He smiled and we started unpacking. I couldn't believe I was watching him unpack his clothes and everything else he needed. He didn't even bring that much stuff but I did recognize a bottle of makeup.

"You are not wearing makeup, are you?" I said before I could think better of it. Great, so he knew I had watched him unpack.

He laughed "I have to actually. You know, so I look good in pictures" Was he kidding? He always looked great, he didn't have to put makeup on.

I shook my head smiling "This is insane" He really didn't think he was pretty, huh?

"If you think this is crazy just watch Richard while he puts his makeup on" Taron threw his head back laughing. Damn he was a fine, fine man. Also, all of his teeth were perfect.

We had no other appointments today and we were jetlagged anyway. I went to grab our Comic Con backstage passes and Taron hit the gym.

I changed into a summer dress and called an Uber to take me to the convention centre. I arrived there within 15 minutes and there were no issues picking up the passes. I was totally overwhelmed how big and crowded everything was. This was either going to be fun, or hell. We would see. I should ask Taron, he had been here before.

I decided to walk around the city centre a bit when a cyclist hit me and I fell over. He was gone by the time I got up again. Just my luck. I checked my body for wounds or broken bones. Luckily, I hadn't been hurt badly, but my knee was grazed a bit. I hobbled a bit though. I already imaged the headlines "This is Taron Egerton's PA, she's disabled." Oh no. I was overreacting.

The bus ride back to the hotel was short and I took the elevator up. My knee was hurting and I think it was starting to bleed a bit. Good thing I didn't have any broken bones!

Taron was sitting in a lounge chair across from the couch and immediately got up when he saw me come in.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked. He was wearing jeans and a white undershirt. My heart skipped a beat when he looked at me worriedly.

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