Chapter 7: Being stuck

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I hurried back to the changing room and saw my reflection in the mirror. I was flushed. It was quite hot in here. It couldn't be because Taron looked at me that way. I tried to get out of the dress but I think the zipper got stuck. "Shit" I whispered. I couldn't run around the floor looking for that sales assistant. The zipper just wouldn't go up or down now. I groaned. Oh come on now. Somehow I was trying to get out of the dress without opening the zipper completely but it just got worse. I was standing in the changing room, half naked, while my head and arms were stuck in the fabric. What was I going to do now? I knew there was only one possibility and I was already embarrassed before I even called him.

"Taron?" I heard footsteps approaching.

"Miriam, what is going on?" Taron asked through the clothing room door.

"Well" I sighed. It was now or I'd be stuck in here forever "I can't get out of my dress" I sighed. There, I said it. "Could you help me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Uhm, sure" I heard Taron say. He sounded unsure. I can't believe I had to ask my boss to help me out of the dress.

Since my head was stuck in the dress, I just felt a whoosh of air when he opened the clothing door and closed it shut behind him. He was standing behind me now. The clothing room was unfamiliarly big, but still it was quite narrow for two people.

"Please don't rip it" I pleaded. "I will bankrupt you". I laughed.

Taron chuckled. "Do you really think you can bankrupt me that easily, eh?" Taron said calmly while he laid hands onto the dress. How was he so casual about this? My skin was on fire. "Turn around" He said. Oh shit.

I did as he had asked and we were so close I could feel his breath on my face. I was speechless. I bit my lip. Maybe the pain of biting my lip hard would distract me of the situation I was currently in. No such luck.

His hands roamed over my body while he tried to find the zipper. I could barely breathe. "Ah it got stuck in the seam" he said indifferently. How was he so unaffected by this? I heard the zipper. He must have unlocked and pulled it down. I could free my arms and Taron helped me out of the dress.

The look on his face was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Okay, maybe I had seen that look on his face before he kissed Marian in Robin Hood. That was a movie role though. His eyes were pitch black and his lips parted. He couldn't find me attractive, could he? Must have been the lighting in this dark dressing room. Yes, that was the only explanation.

He cleared his throat. "I think you are all fine now" he said, not looking at me, but at my body.

It's then I realized I was actually standing in front of my long-lasting crush and boss in nothing but my underwear. I put on unmatching bra and panties today. Just. My. Luck. I couldn't look him in the eyes so I dragged my gaze away to my shoes. "Thank you so much" I tried to laugh to lighten the mood but it came out as a moan. At least I thought so. I was completely beside myself.

Taron pressed his lips together before saying "No problem". He turned around and left the clothing room silently. What the hell had just happened?

I turned around to check my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a mess, my face red as scarlet. I groaned. Why did these kinds of things always happen to me? I never thought I would work for Taron, let alone be this close to him in nothing but my underwear! I tried to calm down a bit and decided to put my dress from earlier back on. I think I found my dress for the gala, even if it was hard to get in and out of it. I checked it but it had not been damaged.

I grabbed all my stuff and got out of the clothing room. The sales assistant waited for me outside. "Anything that met your expectations?" she asked. I was pissed. Where had she been earlier?

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