Chapter 22: Christmas in Aberystwyth

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It felt like I was in some kind of dream world. Taron put his hand on my leg "Are you alright?" he asked worried.

I glanced at him smiling brightly. "I don't think I have been better"

He smirked, leaning over "Oh don't say that" he winked at me. I shivered. I couldn't wait to get him home later today or rather early tomorrow.

We danced the night away and this was seriously one of the best nights of my life.

I went to the restroom at some point and ran into Richard on my way there.

"Hey you" I smiled at him.

He looked so happy "Hi. What do you think of the party?"

"Oh it's perfect" It really was

"I just don't know how to thank you for introducing me to Diana" he chuckled.

I clapped him on the shoulder "It's nothing" I smiled "I'm just happy for the two of you"

"I just can't believe we kissed last year" he laughed.

I started laughing too "Tell me about it"

"Taron is really happy with you, you know" he smirked.

"I know" I smiled. Well, at least I think I did.

Taron and I left the party in the early morning and said our goodbyes to everyone, specifically to Richard and Diana who would leave for their honeymoon. They had decided to fly to Singapore where Diana would show Richard where she used to live, before travelling to New Zealand together.

"Thank you for everything" Diana said as she hugged me.

"What are best friends for?" I smiled at her. "Hey, enjoy your honeymoon" I smirked.

Taron and Richard hugged too and clapped each other on the back, before Taron led me to the car waiting for us.

He put his hand on my thigh as soon as we were on the backseat "I'm so glad I got you all to myself now" he winked.

"Me too, honey" I whispered, before pulling his face to mine, our lips touching. We kissed tenderly and the butterflies in my stomach rose as they had done the first time we kissed.

The air between us got heavier. Taron held my hand as we got out of the car, sliding his thumb across my inner wrist. I gasped, the anticipation of what would happen killing me slowly.

Diana sent some pictures of New Zealand a few days later and I decided to give her a call.

"Hi" she answered

"Hey" I smiled "How are you?"

"It's so wonderful here. I wanted to go back here for ages" she laughed

I swooned "Aw I'm so jealous" I teased her.

"How is everything in London?" she asked curiously

"Everything's great" I smirked.

"Still madly in love with him, huh?" she teased me.

I laughed "Totally" I said before being serious "I just can't imagine a life without him anymore"

"Well you don't have to"

I sighed "I don't know" I guess I was just scared someone better would come along for him "I sure as hell am not planning on letting him go"

"He loves you too" Diana said. "You know, Richard actually said he had never seen Taron that in love with a woman before"

I laughed "He actually said the same about him"

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