Chapter 23: My birthday and Eggsy

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Taron and I drove back home for my birthday on 27th and I was so excited for what he had planned.

I woke up the following morning to find the sun shining in brightly. I opened my eyes, looked outside and realised it had snowed overnight. Taron came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist but otherwise naked.

He smiled "Happy birthday, darling" he said as he came over to kiss me.

I deepened the kiss and pulled him down to me, pulling my fingers through his damp hair.

He groaned before pulling away "Do you want to stay in bed all day or spend the day outside?" he winked.

"Stay in bed all day" I joked as I held him close to me.

He laughed as he moved off me. "Better get dressed" he smirked.

I dressed in a pair of jeans and a jumper, wrapped a scarf around my neck and took my coat. "Where are we going?" I asked as I got downstairs and found Taron waiting for me.

"You'll see" he said. Ah, he loved his revenge after I hadn't told him where we would spend his birthday either.

I smiled, took his hand and we strolled through the city until we stood in front of Riding House Café. We both had pancakes and they were delicious.

Afterwards we took the tube over to Winter Wonderland and went ice skating there, all touristy. I laughed as I strapped on my ice skates and Taron helped me up. I have in fact never ice skated before.

"Oh I will suck at this" I laughed as Taron held me close to keep me from falling.

"You'll be fine" he said as we hit the ice and I tried to let go of my grip on him.

It actually worked quite well and soon enough we ice skated while holding hands and laughed. People tended to look at us weirdly but we simply didn't care. I moved my skates and spun around so I was up against Taron's body and we stopped skating and kissed. Right in the middle of the crowd, but we didn't care. He made me feel more alive than any person ever has.

We pulled away giggling like teenagers before unstrapping the skates and strolling through Hyde Park. The city was quite empty and we enjoyed our alone time together. "Thank you for this perfect day" I said to Taron as we went back home. There was nothing better than exploring London on foot.

"That's not all, you know?" he smiled.

What had he planned? "What else do you have in mind?" I smiled.

"You will have to wait and see" he teased me.

He was the devil. I would probably take it out on him in bed later. Or he on me. I shivered.

He had a karaoke night planned for us and Diana, Richard, Jess and Andrew came too.

"Hi guys" I greeted everyone and they all hugged me and wished me Happy Birthday. I didn't think I ever had so many great friends before.

Taron and I sat down in our booth and Diana and Richard started singing "We don't talk anymore" by Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez. Richard was actually quite the good singer. They had fun and we cheered them on.

I was kind of nervous about Taron and me singing together. Even though it was a dream come true, I was worried because I couldn't sing for shit.

"Pick a song, baby" Taron whispered and I went over and told them what to play.

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