Chapter 18: Coming undone

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What the hell was going on? I got out of the tub, dried myself up and put on one of my dresses laying around before going downstairs. Taron was in the office.

"Hey" I said as I saw him stare at the computer screen.

"Hi" he smiled. "I guess we are official" he winked

What? I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked as I walked around the desk.

I saw the pictures before he replied "Someone must have taken these while we were there" he said. There were pictures of Taron and me kissing at the Achery as well as us walking out of there holding hands. Damn, news travelled fast. We only just got back.

"Oh wow" I said because I didn't know what else to say. People were wondering about who I was. The pictures were mostly about Taron, you could actually only see me in a few of them. We did look cute together though.

Taron looked over at me smiling. "We are quite the couple, eh?"

I laughed and clapped him on the shoulder "You are funny" I took the mouse from him and scrolled through the pictures. "Oh my God" I threw my hand to my mouth. "Look at this" I clicked on one of the pictures so it enlarged. Taron looked hot as ever while I was smiling at him, beaming.

He laughed "You seem to be quite into me" he teased.

I leaned against the desk, pounding."I look horrible in those. As if I was some kind of creep" I looked down.

"Hey" he said, getting out of his chair and putting .his hands on either side of my face "You look wonderful"

I looked up at him "I do?"

He looked down at me as if I was his world, instead of the other way around. "Yes, we look really happy together. I mean" he scrolled through the comments "People really love us together"

I flicked through the comments that indeed said wonderful things about us.

"Who is this woman who seems to make Taron Egerton so happy?"

"Couple goals"

"I want whatever they have"

I smiled and glanced at Taron "Couple goals, huh?" I laughed.

"Looks just like it" he said calmly. "And anyway I don't give a fuck if people like us together or not" he put his hands on my waist "The only thing I care about is that we are happy together" he pulled me closer.

I loved it when we were touching and my heart skipped a beat every time. "Me too" I said, pulling my fingers through his hair. It was still a bit damp. He groaned before bringing his lips to mine. Our kiss turns passionate and he lifted me onto the desk, kissing my neck, pulling up my dress to touch my bare legs up my torso to my breasts. "I just want you" he whispered. I wrapped my legs around his hips and moaned.

Then his phone started ringing. I groaned as Taron moved away from me to pick it up. He smirked at me as he answered "Hi Richard... yeah sure" he looked confused "Ah I totally forgot"

I got off the desk and pulled my dress down again. What had he forgotten about? He ended the call shortly afterwards.

Taron sighed "I totally forgot we have plans for tonight"

"What is it?" I asked, my mind elsewhere completely as I looked at Taron's dishevelled hair.

"We are meeting up for drinks tonight with the rest of the Rocketman cast and their families. This is actually taking place at Sky Garden." He says like it's no big deal "Sorry, I forgot to tell you"

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