Chapter 24: The Bling from The Shard

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I went to grab coffee with my friends as Taron hit the gym. We met up at SAID DAL 1923 and they had strawberries dipped in chocolate.

"Urgh I am so hungry all the time" Diana groaned and Jess laughed.

"Well you have to feed two people now" Jess replied.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

Diana smiled "Oh I am fine. I don't think I have felt better"

"Aw" I swooned "I'm pretty jealous" I laughed.

"Don't be" Diana smiled "You won't be when I'm fat" She said as she had a bite of her chocolate chip muffin.

Jess laughed "Well if anything, you are the tiniest one of us all" She had a point. "So how are you and Taron?" she asked me.

I sighed. The routine of shooting Kingsman had set in but I was so nervous about the kissing scene I would shoot with Taron "I will be in the movie" I blurted out.

Diana and Jess looked at me in shock "Wait, what?"

I laughed. "Yeah, well Taron said that there is a kissing scene coming up for the movie" I paused "He asked me to step in"

"This is a huge deal" Jess said. "Also sounds like a dream come true" she laughed.

"Tell me about it!" I said. "I'm just no actress"

Diana smirked "I guess you just have to be yourself"

I laughed at that "Well you are right about that" I would never get tired of kissing him. "Anyway we will go up to The Shard on Saturday" I loved the building and the view so much.

"Why?" Diana asked, sounding suspicious.

"Oh I don't know" I said absentmindedly "Taron just suggested it"

"Uh-hu" Diana mumbled.

"What's going on?" Jess asked.

"Oh well Miriam told me about this story how she was on The Shard a few years back when a couple got engaged so I might have told Richard about it" she smiled "And who knows if he told Taron"

I stopped dead in my tracks just as I wanted to bite into a strawberry. I put it down on my plate "I haven't even thought of that yet" My brain just was empty now "Do you think...?" I couldn't even form sentences.

"Definitely girl" Jess laughed.

"We haven't even been together that long" I whispered as I stared at the strawberry in front of me.

Diana laughed "Richard and I have been dating for a year before we got married"

"And you and Taron have been dating for two years" Jess added.

I sighed "You have a point" I took a bite of the chocolate strawberry "I just don't want to get my hopes up"

"I get you, trust me" Jess said as she put her hand on my shoulder. "But he's madly in love with you, so it's only the next logical step"

"She's right" Diana agreed as she took one of the strawberries "I'm just so hungry all the time" she whined.

Saturday was pretty busy work-wise so I was distracted. Even if it was Taron's day off there was a lot of other work to handle. I had to plan all the premiere appearances and it were a lot to say the least. I was glad for the distraction though. I would have gone crazy otherwise.

The evening rolled around and I got ready. I decided to put on a pair of jeans and one of my favourite jumpers. It was cold out so I wrapped a scarf around my throat and slipped into my patted Chelsea boots.

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