Chapter 25: Her name is Sophie

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I got out of bed and reached the toilet just in time as I threw up. "Must have been the fish from last night" I thought as Taron walked in the bathroom behind me and held my hair back.

"Are you alright, baby?" he asked concerned.

"Have been better" I muttered. I definitely wouldn't go to that restaurant again.

Taron made me a can of tea and wrapped me up in bed before he left for work "I hate I have to leave you on your own" he whispered before kissing my forehead. He would have to shoot Kingsman again today.

"Kick their asses" I smiled at him as he left.

What was going on with me? I haven't had a food poising in forever.

Jess actually had the day off and I had to discuss some details with Andrew so they would come over later. I decided to get ready and put on some comfy clothes.

"What happened to you?" Jess asked as she saw me.

"Food poising" I whined.

"Oh, you poor thing!" she said "I hate when that happens!"

Andrew and I went over the possible movie roles Taron could do next and it included action and romance movies. I would love to see him in a rom-com even if I was jealous of whoever would play his love interest. I would have to get used to this though.

Later that day I felt better so I decided to cook dinner for Taron and me. The next day however, I had to throw up again.

"Urgh" I groaned. Taron had already left for work. This was a damn bad food poising.

My phone pinged. Diana had sent through a photo of her growing belly. The scales have fallen from my eyes as I dropped my phone and tried to remember the last time I had my period. "Oh shit" I muttered as I realised I was overdue.

I didn't even bother to get out of my sweat pants as I rushed to the nearest drug store. I prayed to God nobody would see me. Back at home I emptied the bags and unpacked all five pregnancy tests. It would be the best solution to pee on all.

I took in a deep breath as I waited for the results. I called Diana.

"Hi" she answered

"Diana, I'm going crazy" I breathed out "I think I'm pregnant" Even saying the words felt odd.

She squealed "Oh I'm so happy for you. And our kids will only be months apart"

I sighed "I don't know yet" I clapped my fingers on my thigh, waiting for the alarm to go off. "I don't think I will survive waiting for the results"

"Oh you will, trust me" she replied. "It's just the hormones"

My voice was shaking "I'm not sure Taron wants to be a dad yet"

"You know he will be an amazing dad. He is already great with kids" She was right. He was so kind and the biggest goofball of all. He would be such a great dad.

"Anyway" Diana continued "I'm actually heading to the Tube. Call me when you have the results though"

"I will" I replied and we hung up.

I checked my watch and the last 30 seconds felt like years.

I got off the bed and walked over to where I had lined up all the tests. I took a deep breath and glanced down and felt giddy. They were all positive. If that wasn't accurate I didn't know what would be. I stood there and felt the whole world shift.

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