Chapter 3: Sweaty Taron gives me life!

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"Have a good night in your new home" Taron winked. He was prettier than ever if that was even possible. Then he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I was speechless and probably red as scarlet. It took a moment for me to form words "Thank you, you too" was all I could say. I went back to my room while I heard Taron close his and couldn't believe he was sleeping just two doors over from mine.

I lay down on the bed and reflected what had happened that day. I still couldn't believe I would work for Taron Egerton and he was actually so nice and lovely in person. This was probably going to be the best 6 months of my life.

I called my friend Jess

"Hi Miriam, how is London?" She answered

"Hi Jess, it's good, thank you. Want to guess who I am working for now?" I giggled.

"Uhm well is it somebody I know?" She asked suspiciously

"Oh it definitely is" I said smiling

"Well it can't be Taron because that is too obvious" I had to stifle a giggle. "Someone famous? I don't know, maybe Ben Hardy?" She had a thing for him.

"No. Well it's actually Taron Egerton" I laughed. The line went silent. "Jess, are you still there?"

"Yeah I am. You are joking though right?" She didn't believe me. Well who would for that matter?!

"No, no it's true. I just met him like 3 hours ago and we went to have pizza and walked through Hyde Park" I exclaimed. I still couldn't believe this has happened.

"You definitely need to tell me everything. You're so lucky!" She pronounced the word "everything". I was so glad she was happy for me.

"Well I met him and then I punched him in the gut because he hugged me and I thought we would shake hands. Then we walked around London, went to an Italian restaurant and ate pizza and then he showed me one of his favourite London spots" I summarized. "I'm so overwhelmed; he's actually so handsome in person." She knew that already because she was lucky enough to meet him at a convention years ago and I have been jealous of her ever since.

"That sounds amazing" She said. "I will definitely need to visit when I have the time"

"Oh you should!" I said "There are actually guest rooms here"

After we talked for an hour I was actually so knackered I needed to get ready for bed.

"Talk to you soon all right?" I said.

"So excited to see where this goes! I'm sure you will work for him longer than a year"

"No" I disagreed. "I will probably be at home, devastated, because I will only be here for 6 months.

"Don't be so pessimistic!" Jess said. "You always see the negative in everything. I'm sure it will be great".

"Thanks Jess, that's so nice of you"

"Speak soon, love you."

"Love you too"

I actually started to unpack a bit of my luggage and then lay down in bed. I couldn't believe Taron was sleeping only a few feet away. This was insane. I fell asleep pretty quickly, dreaming of where all this could lead...

I woke up feeling well rested and my heart nearly stopped when I realized where I was. I glanced at my watch and realized it was already 9.30 AM. Oh no, we said we'd have breakfast around 9! That was just my inner German punctual kind of girl. I jumped out of bed, showered, got dressed and tried to not apply too much make up. I didn't want to look like it put on for him. Even though I did. Of course. But I couldn't forget about his girlfriend either. I'm sure Emily would be nice.

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