Gangster lord Chapter 1

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It was midnight the sky was dark but it was shining bright because of the stars and the moon. I sat on the step of the abandon building the spray paint covering everything on the wall. The night was cold but it did not bother me. Some of my brown hair fell in front of my face I didn't bother moving it I just sat there in silence nothing to say nothing to do just watch over my peers seeing them moving around on the ground. I Yukon being a Gangster is really hard you have to protect, honor, be loyal and careful on the streets. I am not a drug dealer I do own a little small shop but at night or during the day I am always the gang queen my friends Cole and Yuka they always have my back. And if there's some problem in my city they come to me. While sitting there I heard my name being called "Yukon its time for us to go the gathering is about to begin!" Yelled Cole with his short blond wavy hair that seems like it was floating because of the wind. "Okay here I come!" I yelled back at him. I jumped down from the stairs and softly land on to my feet leaving my shoe prints in the ground. Cole stared at me with amazement "Wow" he laughed softly as I just shrugged and kept walking "Any other reports on the North side of the city?" I asked. He shakes his head with a frown on his face " No not yet Yuka still trying to figure out the ruins in the North building that make it close down"he looked down and sigh. "But we still trying to figure it out Yukon don't stress your self out about this" he pat my back and smile. "Now lets go before we be late" he said opening his car door for me I softly laugh and got in as he closed the door behind him before he got in himself.

We made it to the gang grounds every different clan groups are here like the black lion clan, dragon clan and the moon clan all of them is all here. Cole saw Yuka and called her over she ran with her skinny legs as he chest went up and down to admit she was thick at the top. "Hey Cole hey Yukon" she said waving at us while holding her drink "Hey" me and Cole said at the same time. I turn my Direction to the big fire in the middle of the field the fire was big that you could feel the heat from it the smoke was thick that you can't see the sky at all. I breathe out clutching my hand into a fist as I was still in stress of what happened of the north building still wondering who is that powerful to close that building down. Mostly over the years no one could bring it down it is weird of what was happening because no one and I mean no one can close it even if you go to court even if you tried to sue the building it cannot be shut down the north building will always win and you can't beat it.

While I stand there in thought a loudspeaker rang throughout the field "Hello everyone welcome to the gangster gathering! As you can see that the North building had been the strongest and the toughest to get rid of! They was good and now today they is gone...but I think you wonder why I am bringing this up well so you should know The North Star building had fallen!"The man said everyone gasped and started mumbling to them selves wondering what brought the company to fall down. Then he continued of what he was about to say "Yes yes its a shocker I can tell you that because you and I know that the North Star building can't be bring down by no one but as you can see they had fallen! They fought till the very end!" he laughed to himself. I crossed my arms and yelled "Do you know who did this!" I stand there waiting for a response from him everyone's eyes was fixed on him "Well yes I do I work for him!" He laughed out and stared at me. My eyes shocked wide open and a big grin went across my face "What is his name?" I asked. The man up on the stage licks his lips and smiled and put them back to the loudspeaker "Ryu Kong-Su Sama" everyone gasped and went into a small panic. Cole and Yuka walked to my side Cole looked at me and see that I was unmoved. "I never heard of him is he a new gang leader or something more if he can cause a everyone to freak out" Cole taps me "Yukon is you okay?" he was worried I can tell. I node my head and looked back up at the man "I just wonder who is this Ryu Kong-Su Sama?" I asked myself..

After the gathering everyone went home they gives each others hugs and handshakes with a smile on there faces as I just stand in front of the fire that was still growing big who is this Ryu what is his business here and how powerful is he questioning of who this man is seems impossible but I will not back down....hell I don't care about the North Star building they been a hard core business to get rid of but it is kind of weird if the business was going great yesterday and was shut down today that to way off. I closed my eyes listening to the crackling of the wood burning in the fire "Who are you and what is you doing on my side of the city?" I said to myself a tap of rain drop on my cheek I slowly opened my eyes and looked up "Its raining." It was cold to the touch until something went over me to cover me from the rain "Yukon you will get sick if you stand out here even longer" Cole said looking at me. I nod and looked up at him "Thanks for being by my side Cole you is a true friend" I said with a small smile he returned the smile back and we both went inside his car. He dropped me off at my house we said goodbyes then went our separate ways I walked up to my door and unlocked it I went inside closing my door behind me I get a group text from Yuka and Cole saying:

Cole: yo you made it in safe

Yuka: Dude stop flirting with her you making me sick

Cole: Shut up I am not I'm just making sure she is okay

Yuma: But it's true you do like her

Cole: That's it you better lock your house door because I'm about to beat your ass

They both act like children and that what makes them a good person I softly laugh to myself and texted back saying yea I made it back. Then I thrown my phone onto the couch and walked to the bathroom I started to turn on some warm water with some bubbles in them as one was floating around the bathroom I took off my clothes and slide into to the warm water as the heat from it spread through my body I began to feel refreshed and calm. But as the thought of the man words still rings through my ears "Ryu Kong-Su Sama" what so good about him he just a man but a man that took down the hardest company down with one blow. I sigh and washed my body then got out to dry off. Well I don't need to stress out because of this what is done is done it does not matter if a building is shut down to admit they had it coming I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

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