Deal to be queen chapter 4

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He's here in front of me I stepped back quickly as Notsu walked to his side my body felt frozen that I can't move or think "Well thats all I get  no hello or who are?" He get closer as I stopped backing away and stand my ground I will not back down from him at all not one bit "Well you just answered my question who are you and what is you doing her?" My voice was shaking but I learn how to make it back even " Well you should know my name right?" He was so scary looking even I can't stop shaking "I do know your name but my main question did you the building out business?" I stand the waiting for his answer but a I feel like a fool at the meeting the chairman said he was the strongest in the work business but I just want his side of the story. 

"Well Yukon Silver that business is mine to worry about not yours" he pulled out a  cigarette and a lighter and let it he took a long puff from the cigarette and blow  it in my face making it look  like fog covering my vision. I coughed and coughed "Yeah you is right it is nun of my business but that company was on my side of this city" I said waving the smoke out of my face "Well it won't be unless you surrender to that person who wants you" he gives out a cold chuckle and moves his stone eyes on me "Am I right?" He crossed his arms and lifted his head up with his cigarette in his mouth. So he dose knows about it how classic I feel like it was him who sent it but he really doesn't look like a lady's man "Yes you is right but me and me people will figure out how to go around this" the words did sound silly to me but it was true my people will help me out to save or city companies "Well may I help?" His words was shocking even Notsu was in shock as well.

"If you don't want my help thats okay to say~" I quickly  interrupted him "Yes it will be great for you to help us but you might have a price don't you" he smiled when I said those words but it was a evil smile "Why did I bring that up" I thought to myself "Become my gangster queen" I jumped and looked at him with my face red "Your what!" I yelled as I was shaking Notsu looked like he is enjoying himself over there while watching us talk "Notsu I swear if you keep smiling I will break your jaw" I said looking at him then he stopped and walked away to give us  privacy when I looked back up at Ryu he was closer to my face that my heart skipped a beat but I did not back away I stand there with my pride "Will you become my queen to save you city and you clan from this  disaster and be loyal to me?" He put his hand out for mines as he was waiting for my answer this is to much and I am tired and sleepy but if I do become his queen will I save my City any way if I take this offer as I was thinking about what to do I just came out and said "Let me think about it" I said running off as I was running I swear he was laughing but I shook off that feeling and kept running. 

Why did I said that am I'm that stupid or high I stopped by a thrift shop To get some new headphones As I was leaving my phone rang it was Cole "Hello?" He said his voice sound like he was crying "Whats wrong Cole why do you sound like that?" I heard  some bumping in the back ground " I got dumped for a actor!" He yelled and started to cry. I truly knew that chick will hurt him "Hey hey don't cry what about you come to my place" I said with a soft tone he sound so sad why will any girl dump a man like him so shameful "Okay thanks Yukon" he said sniffing "No problem Cole you know I got your back" I said. 

We been on the phone for a while as I amde it home "Yea I know Yuka told me that Yukai birthday is tomorrow night" I said put some noodles in the microwave and leaned on to the wall while waiting "Yukai  turning five right?" He said. Yukai  is my little boy he stays with his  grandma he's  really a hand full for me but he's  wonderful "Yeah you is right he  turning five" I pulled out the noodles and sat by the window "When is you coming I made some noodles for you?" He laughed on the other side of the phone as I was looking stupid "I'm here I been standing by your door for a minute now" I looked at the door "What why didn't you say anything you dummy" I quickly open the door seeing him with his hoodie and some blue jeans and some J's  "I am sorry" he said laughing then  he hugged me "Well lets go in side" I said taking the Ice cream out the freezer. 

"So did you took the deal from Ryu to become his queen to save the clan and the people here" slowly eats the Ice cream and looked up at me as I was bitting my bottom lip "I don't know he was just so scary and cold he truly will torture me" I said with some ice cream in my mouth "He is the most powerful than any clan that I know" cole stared at me for a bit like he was studying my every move "Yukon  excuse my language but is you stupid is  you dumb? The Yukon I know she don't back down to no one or no thing" he said taking my ice cream away from me I looked at him but he do got a point but Ryu looked like a killer even he's the gangster lord of the blood demon clan "Yea yea you know you sound like my grandma she always lectured me about everything" I said laughing.

 After that Cole asked me if he cold stay the night and I said sure we both shared the bed  as it was 11:00pm I was still up still remembering what Ryu said if I become his queen will my clan and the company even though I am the second one to  inherit the company name mostly and spend my time there I'll let my big brother Luke to take care of it he truly understands my business as a gangster but sometimes I wonder why I became one if I tell this man that I will be his gangster queen will he help our side of the city or not.

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