Drown chapter 21

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The battle of gangs had begun blood was covering the ground and the smell of death was in the air Yukon was slicing each man down as the others was doing their thing "If you want this to end you should surrender!" She yelled walking to him "Or your empire will be full with dead bodies" she kicked down a tall strong man and when he hit the ground he came with a loud thud, she wiped the blood from her lips and smiled "Yukon...Yukon! This is all you got this war is will never end until I say so...even though I didn't think this will end to early" he smooths his hair down and laughed "This is war and it will be a shame if it ends we was just having fun!" He dashed towards her as he pulled his sword out slashing her way. She dodges his attack and went for his left shoulder but he blocked it knocking her down the steps, as she struggled getting up Aku-no took steps by step and looked down on her "Sorry if a I hurt you to bad but I cannot let you.Ah!" He yelled when she kicked him in the gut making him cough. She slowly got up she was full with pain in her back "Never  let your guard down!" She huffed and glare at him, he was a strong one she have to admit but not strong enough if his mother knows hers he should know the skills of a warrior. She put two of her fists up and when she did that he ran in a tunnel that led to a big abandoned arena that  was left here for 100 years.

She never known that it was under this city for a long time "Is that all you can do? Running from the fight" her words echoed around them as he coughs with amusement "Oh so you think I'm running away? Well miss Yukon I am not I want us to...be alone" The words was so dull it makes her sick, Aku-no looked at the  button  that was next to him and that button...opens a pool of water "Lets see what you got!" He hits the button and it shattered when he did, he dash towards her throwing punches and kicks she dodged them but not the kick that led her to the ground "Ah!" She shout in pain "Welp this is the en-" Ekon jumped down in front of her and pulled out his neon red dagger "You stay away from her!" He growled with anger "Ekon stay out of this" she said weakly "Why should I he is hurting you! And I will not let that happen" he was telling the truth his voice sound so serious but what is he even thinking this was her battle and her battle alone "Where is the others?" She asked still looking at Aku-no who was still in his fighting stance with a smirk  "They just keeping themselves busy" he said sounding sort of amused.

She smiled and stood up and growled  "Aku-no!" She ran to him with her whip in hand he was ready for anything punch him in the jaw making him groan in pain as he returned a left high kick to her upper chest and she quickly pushed off him making him loss his balance, Ekon picked Yukon up by her waist and turned her to face Aku-no she used her right leg and kicked him in his left knee and when he fell down she jumped onto his back, Ekon called for the others as Yukon have him in a lock "Give it up Aku-no You lost the battle so there is no use to fight now" she twisted his arm to his back as he yelled in pain "You think this over?" He laughed and looked up to her with a huge smile "You see that blue button that was next to the red one?" He asked. He had a plan and it seems he been planning this the whole time...it was a bomb "You wouldn't dare we is under the city and if you blow it up millions of peop-" he cut her off with a laugh "Oh honey it won't make this place won't crumble down because it is built in with metal and iron to support the structure" he explain. She was kind of shock that he will care about the citizens of the Pendragon but still she can't let him get away with this "Its sweet that you is protecting the people Of above but you know you will pay for what you did" the others came in and she looked up to Ryu who was kind of wounded but it not so deep.

"Lets go" Axle said picking up Aku-no but it seems like it won't work Aku-no broke out of his chains and dashed to the blue button "Bye everyone I hope that you survive this but I doubt that" he pushed the button and dipped out of there "What!" Cole said looking around "There's a bomb here?!" He yelled in panic "Calm down! We just need to find the-" Yukon put her hand on Rocco shoulder and shook her head "Its in the wall" she walked to where the bomb was at where  Aku-no said it was "I will try to disarm it"  she said punching a hole in the wall showing the bomb "Let Zeke do it Yukon" Titus says holding her hand "I don't...well we don't want to lose you" he said softly "Titus Rocco Zale Zeke Ekon Cole Axle and Ryu This is a order leave now this is my life okay so leave this to me" she order taking her hand  away from Titus. 

Before they was about to say something she snapped "GO NOW THATS A ORDER!" They jumped a bit and looked at each other "Yes yukon" they all said walking away but it seems Ekon didn't hear her "Yukon if you think I will let you do this well you is wrong I will not run away.." his words was deep and serious but she wouldn't listen she was running out of time right now they have 30 minutes left and if she doesn't shut it down "What about Yukai and ...Ryu they need you we need you Yukon we have to leave now before this place will blow up" he pulled her back but when he touched her she flip him over making him land on his side.

  "Leave Ekon please" her voice was shaking yes she was scared but some how she have to save everyone that is below "I know what I need to do Ekon even if I'm stubborn or risky but I will do anything for my people this was war and Aku-no got  away So you should do me a favor and get him as I will stay behind" she said with a sad smile "Now please go get that son of a bitch" she pushed him away and he seems like he gave up but thats good. It was at 1 minute She was running out of time so without thinking she pulled it out of the wall but it was too late "BOOM!!!" The ground shook and everything went up into smoke but where was she it felt wet but tears fell on her cheeks she was scared of losing everything will this be the end for her will she not see her son no more and will not laugh again with her friends and...her mother.


I know this was long but hey I want the thrill and sadness in this so don't judge me on my writing....jk idc really I just want everyone to have a nice read

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