Family&Others 11

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         I was on my laptop to Investigate about the incident yesterday while searching I didn't find a thing they was like a ghost. I ruffled my hair in irritation 'Why can't I find them...There is no lead to them' I covered my face with my hands while trying to think of a plan. While I was struggling  to think Yukai popped his head from behind the door "Mommy!" He jumped into my bed and started to snuggle up to me "Hey sweets what you been doing?" I said holding him closer "I was play the game with the butler and then I asked daddy can I go swimming with him"  he explain playing with my hair "Oh did you have fun?" I asked while closing my laptop "Yea I had fun" he gleam with joy.

 I smiled softly while rubbing his head as he was still fiddling with my hair, there was a knock on the door "It's open!" I yelled still holding Yukai, Ryu slowly opens the door "Hey I was looking for You Yukai" he grins while he closed the door behind him. My eyes wonder up to him seeing that he had something behind his back "What is it daddy?" He said sitting up with  excitement flaring through his brown eyes.    I was Curious about what Ryu got behind his back "Your mother look curious to" he said tilting his head with a grin. Yes he is right I was curious about his present "Well to be honest this is for your mother Yukai" he said looking at Yukai, Yukai started to pout and went under the covers "You made him mad" I rolled my eyes and slowly pulled Yukai back from under the covers.

 Yukai little hand lands on mines as I was reaching for him "Hm what is Yukai?" I asked with concern "I want a present too" he whine and it was so cute that I want to eat  him right away, I looked at Yukai then to Ryu "You heard that he wants a present as well" I said holding Yukai "Fine you both get a present so stop whining" he grumble. "Lets go to the park today it will be a sunny day" I gleam with a smile that I even saw Ryu turning red "Yay lets go to the park!" Yukai said with a huge smile. I nodded "But I was about to change my hair color" I said looking down "Why you look good with your real hair color" he sat next to me "I know I do but I want to be undercover" I pouted with my arms crossed over my chest "fine hurry up so we can go" he said with a smile.  

I was in the bathroom putting on some clothes when I heard a knock on the bathroom door "May I come in" Ryu asked " why will I-" then he comes in making me blush so freaking hard  "Get out!" I shrieked before I could push him back he pulled me closer "Can you stop being so damn noisy I just want to say something" he says holding me tighter "Can it wait" I whine but he shook his head " stop complaining and listen" he growls then I quickly grabbed him by his shirt "Listen up buddy I am trying to get ready so whatever it is you should wait" I says with anger then he pushes me to the wall the towel fell off my body but it seems that don't bother him "Give me your damn hand women"  he demanded with irritation. 

How badly I want to kick him in the balls but I just give him my hand and he slipped a silver ring that had a moon crest on it I was so amazed it looked so beautiful "What is this?" I asked with a small blush "This is what I want to give you but Yukai will be a bit disappointed if He find out if I didn't give him a present" he says scratching his head, I laughed and kissed his cheek but when I figured what I did I quickly dipped out of the bathroom "Thanks" I say.

At the  park

We walked around the big park going on rides and eating sweets "This is fun!" Yukai smiled looking around with big eyes I was full of joy as well but Ryu not.

So much he was glaring at the people that looked at me 'Talking about protective' I thought. While eating cotton candy. Without thinking I took his hand and started to walk his hands feel so warm that I really don't want to let go, while walking three kids came running passed us as they was running the bump into Yukai making him fall.

 "Yukai!" I said with shock running to his side "Mommy!" He cried seeing blood on his knee "You is going to be okay" I pulled a bandaid out of my pocket and put it over his wound "Much better?" I asked. He slowly nodded and trying to get up but here comes Ryu sweeping Yukai into his arms holding him tight, I stood up and looked at him "I carry him" he insisted I was standing there dumbfounded by his answer I want to protest but didn't want to ruin this. Because Yukai is getting used to him and I don't want to bother "Okay" I responded then he took my hand "Lets go" he said.

We was by the car until I heard my name being called "Yukon!!!!" It sound like it was a group of boys and that what hit me it was Rocco, Titus,Cole,Axle, Ekon, Zeke and Zale they all was here and thats the first.

 "Hey!" I say  walking up to them "We didn't know you was here" Axle  said with a smile "Yeah I came here with Yukai and Ryu" I pointed "Yukai here?" Ekon Asked I nodded softly. "You can go say hi" Ekon walked to the car and was greeted by Ryu, he was standing in front of the car while looking at all of them "Who is you all?" He asked with a glare. "I should asked that" Ekon mocked back. Rocco looked at them  and walked towards them "Yo don't start something that you don't want to finish" he threatens. Cole was next to me watching them on the side lines "Welp how is you doing with the demon lord" he chuckled "it's working out" I shrugged. Zeke and Zenon drove towards us and stopped "What's up" they both yelled I waved at them "Yo!" I yelled back. 

Titus was just standing there "Titus whats wrong ?" I asked patting his backTitus just shook his head and went for the car ."What did you do to Titus?" I gave Cole a glare. He quickly put his hands up and said "I did nothing I am innocent" he quickly said. I shook my head until I see Axle ready to fight even Ekon 'Thats the first seeing Ekon fighting in public' I stared at them until the mood turned intense. "Okay boys enough before you get us in jail!" I said getting between them "I just want to see-" a small voice cutes Ekon off "Mommy" Yukai said rubbing his eyes in that was in daze "Yukai" Ekon called as everyone  just went to his side.  I smiled as everyone started to laugh and play with Yukai "You should just let them see Yukai instead of making a big deal out of it" I watched Yukai playing with Axle on his back as the rest just started to make jokes. He just shrugged and went to the car "Lets go" he said, I said goodbye to the boys and put Yukai in the car.

At the house

"Yukai is in bed" I yawned walking to the bed "Mhm okay" he said looking at his phone, I rolled my eyes slid in the bed, I was lost in thought thinking of what to do even though everyone is willing to help but the hell I cannot Investigate into those men but right now I nee- "Yukon come here" Ryu said.

"Why should I" I turned to him seeing he was close.

"Because I want to hold you close" he flirted kisses my cheek "Will you allow me?" He said 

"Whatever" I said shyly " You really don't need to stress out about this" he said holding me closer. I snuggle closely to my pillow  and sigh "Yeah Yeah what ever" I closed my eyes and slowly drifting slowly to sleep. 

"Yukon~" he softly said and falls to sleep next to me.

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