Trusting the demon 7

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I don't know what to say to him I don't want to say  anything to him  "" I was trying to looked for the words to say he seems to get annoyed when I looked up at him "Tell me" he snapped making me jump but I won't take that I will stand my ground "What the hell I don't have to tell you anything and you don't have to be rude about that" I said glaring at him with hate before I was about to say another word he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to his chest looking  down at me "No it is none of my business but you is mines now so you have to trust me" he  whisper in my ear making my shiver. Then he looked into my eyes and grew closer to me I don't know what to do or say all  I can do is stand there  "So you won't run?" He said holding me tighter in his arms but before he was about to continue the next step Yukai popped up "Mommy mommy can we have ice cream now?" He said trying  to get in between me and Ryu "Yes sweetheart we will go get some Ice cream" I said taking is hand "What about daddy can he come?" He said looking up at Ryu. I looked at him the looked back at Yukai "he might be b-" I was cut off before was about to say a anything else "Yes I will come to have ice cream with you" he said patting Yukai on the head "Yay my birthday is the best day ever" he said with joy but in my mind "This is the worst day ever!"

We was in  the car eating our cold ice cream as I was just looking out the window then I felt a tap on my thigh I looked up seeing Ryu again he was close that he made me turn red like a cherry "Look Yukon I need you to tryst me if this going to work and you can see I don't want the kid start to worry about our relationship you know that he got attached to me in one day" he said looking straightforward without blinking my heart skipped a beat  he just said to the trust him he asked me Yukon Silver to trust him this cold hearted demon ha not a chance but he got a point Yukai did got too attached to this man and I don't want to  hurt him from taking him away from Ryu besides Ryu is part of the family now and I need to look up to it. But as you think about they both looked the s..... what am I'm thinking my son is nothing like this man my baby is warm, happy ,silly and sweet plus he's adorable than ever so yea he is nothing like Ryu .

Ryu Looked at her she dose look cute when shes thinking and her son looked like her to but mostly that is bothering him was that Yukai looks like him same eyes same nose same everything did he and her met before he never met her he did heard about her but never made love with her. He sigh in frustration as he watches Yukai play with his toys then looked back up at her "Did we meet before" he said with a abrupt tone. She slowly looks his way and said "No...I never heard or saw you before" she said looking back out the window. He is really getting tired of the way she is talking to him. But don't worry he have a plan for her if she talk to him that way again.

"Mommy can we go to the park?" He said pulling my shirt. I smiled at him then tapped Ryu he really seems to be lost in thought "Um...Ryu?" I said tapping him again "What" he said giving me a glare "Um do you want to g-" he raised his hand to stop me from speaking and said "I don't have time you know I have a job to do" I cannot believe that he raised his hand up at me like I was a dog  I crossed my arms and looked at Yukai "Not today sweetie maybe next time" I said patting his head. Yukai started to cry so I quickly picked him up and sat him on my lap while I was rocking him I sticked my  tongue at him at first I thought he didn't  see me but I guess I was wrong he grabbed me by my arm and smiled "If  you want this relationship to be smooth then don't do stupid things" he said letting me go "Stupid ha I am not doing stupid things all I asked wait no my son asked is to go to the park and you was the main one who made him cry" I said with anger and pain. How dare he start getting mad at me for asking him something "Mommy daddy don't get mad each other" he said rubbing his eyes. I nodded and  waited we got to his place but I need to text Cole so he will know where I'm at so he doesn't get worried I quickly pulled out my phone and started to text.

At Ryu's place

I was sitting in the front with Yukai I still cannot believe that I was about to stay here and this place is like a mazes the floor was covered in white marble as the walls was pale white with gold curves "So big" I gasped softly looking at every detail even though I cannot because Yukai was sleeping  on my lap he looked so sweet and peaceful. I yawned and closed my eyes and slowly falls to sleep~I was walking into a field  the grass was covered with flowers but the flowers turned into flames  it it was getting hot my body started to feel  so heavy that something was holding me down  I looked around to try to get out of the flames but I cannot see anything the smoke was to thick to see through.

 I tried to call for help but it seems that I cannot speak "I'm so scared I can't breath or move the smoke it getting to thicker" I thought. Then I heard a male voice "Yukon Yukon wake up" the voice sound a bit worried "Mommy!" When I heard Yukai yelled I jumped up seeing Ryu and Yukai "W..what happened?" I said rubbing my head "You stopped breathing when you was asleep" Ryu said looking me up and down "Yea mommy you scared me" Yukai said hugging me. I looked up at Ryu he seems off edge "Thank You" I said softly and when I did I swear I saw him blush "You should be thanking your son he was the main one who ran to me" he said clearing his throat I softly smiled.  "Hey Yukon?" Ryu looked at me "Yes?" I looked down while Yukai was playing  on my phone "For now on you have to trust me and don't hide nothing from me"  he said softly looking deeply into my eyes to be honest his eyes looked pretty when the light hit it "Fine I trust you" I said in a  sarcastic voice "Good" he said walking out the room.

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