Last Chance Of Confession Chapter 39

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She was laying there unmoved her skin looked so pale "Monta! Let her go now!" Ekon says with his katana pointing at Monta but he just smiled wide and throw a knife at his arm Ekon yelled in pain. Rocco went to his side and ripped a piece of fabric and wrapped it around his arm "Dude you is a cry baby! But I won't forget that you is crazy as well" "Yes I am in insane or crazy but I do have a heart and my heart been with her when you all took her away from and her made a promise that she will come back with to me and when she dose everything will go back to normal" his voice cracks a bit the truths hurts him so dearly he nows Yukon his first and final love has a family but all he wanted was her he wanted to have a family with her not Ryu or the others he wanted to be the one.

"So that means kill everyone and make this country fear her making them think she was the monster not you" Ryu spoke as his silver eyes lit up into a flare of ice. "No" Monta says as his bloody eyes was so full of murder that it disgusts Ryu "Yukon was mine and mine alone no one should have her" Ryu walked up to him followed by Samuel "Why will Yukon like some one like you? Because you the main one who started this you is the main one that turned her against you you was the main one who pushed her away" "SHUT UP!" "You did this to your self you the main one that made her hate you is you just be patient this won't happen but look for yourself you did this Monta not us" "Shut up" he put his hands over his ears as tears form in his eyes. He never asked for this all he wanted is to be love is it that hard for a person like him to asked for all he wanted to be love by some one that he loves but it seems it won't happen.

"I loved her"

"You don't act like you do. If you love her why didn't you speak up when we was kids? To be honest she been waiting for you to confess how you feel but you never do" Tuso says with regret Monta looks at him as he felt like the world slapped him in his face "She what?" He was so confused because she seems like the girl with no love interest and he doubts himself that she will ever wanted him "She told me when we was exploring Tokyo I asked her to go out with me but she told me that she loves some one else so I asked who he was and she said it was you...To be honest I was really pissed that I wanted to end you but she will think I am just like you" He chuckled as Tuso was distracting Monta he doesn't knows that he was in a trap Yukon was moved out of the way Zeke was carrying her away but in a instant Monta Jumped in front of Zeke he punched him in the chest making him slide back as Yukon was back in his arms.

"Idiots" she mumbles and everyone was in shock "How many times did I tell you to not get into troubled" she says weakly then her big brown eyes landed on Monta who looks like he was about to cry "Oh hey Monta it been along time" she smirks "Now can you put me down" he slowly nods and did what she asked and when she did she turns around and kicked him in his chest making him gasp for air as she looks at the others and in a flash of light she hits them all with her hospital slippers and her hands making them whine "You all been so fuck hardheaded like I just told you all to wait till I get better but nooo you all want to do what you want to do"

"I think I like her better when she was in a coma" Cole whispered "Say that again Cole I will beat you ass" Cole quickly shuts up as on the radio Zale was laughing "Oh and Zale don't forget I will get your ass as well" she was so irritated but happy even though she is still sick as hell. "Now Monat Blue my old friend why did you do this?" She crossed her arms and looked at him "You haven't change" he chuckled and she smiled "Yukon" Ryu says while wrapping his arms around her "I missed you so much" "Aw sweet I missed all of you..." She pulls away and walked up to Monta who eyes was going a bit pale red "Yukon" he sighs and turns around "I used to love you Monta but seeing what you did I started to question myself why did I loved you. And it did hurt when I have to move away but now you need to let me go" she says everyone looked at her and she just laughed "Ryu You is a good at lying You was the main betrayer I remember the marking on your back yes you is the king of the dragon and the others and it was weird that the East Star Building was shutdown so quickly first they was cool but next they is down" She crossed her arms "You see I did some digging and I found that you was the one who put blood on my tell me is I'm right?"

"You took along time to figure that out my princess" he says with a grin

"Kill him" she order and the others seems so happy "I knew your ass was trouble Ryu Sama" Cole said as he pointed his gun at him "Yeah Yeah what ever" Ryu pulls out his gun and shoot one at the wall making it go inside out "But I do love you" he frown "Yeah right tell it to the gun that will kill you in three two one" "Zero!" Everyone shouted and a bullet hits him and when it dose his skin started to boil "Acid baby" she smirks. Ryu yells in pain as Monta shoots a bullet in his head "Good one" she says "Thanks" "Now can we go home" Cole whines "Yelp" Ekon dully wipe the blood from my face and kissed my head.


So everything went back to normal well almost..."Yukon hurry up before we be late!" I roll my eyes and looked in the mirror I looked so different "Yukon" a voice called I turned around seeing Cole and Zeke standing at the door way with their nice tuxedos "Hey" I got up and smiled "You look beautiful in your wedding dress" Cole voice sound like he been crying. "Was you crying?" I walked up to him and hug him "Well my girl is getting married and I do feel angry and happy at the same time" he laughed "I feel the same way" Zeke says and I pull him in a hug "You both mean so much to me and I am thankful for all you done." I kissed both of their cheeks "Now I think the groom is waiting for you so lets hurry and go." I agree and took both of their arms. The music was playing every gang is here "Everyone is here" I whispered and Cole nods, Yukai was waving at me with a big smile as ma was in tears. I made it up to the front I held my head down but he lifted it up "Tuso" I mumbled and he smiled. I feels so happy that I just want to scream but I am in a church so it will be rude if I did, so after the preacher got done and I pulled Tuso towards me and kissed him deeply I could hear them say "Thats my girl!" Or "Awww" his face was a bit red but not redder then mines.

We went to the after party and we ate cake it was fun I had a great time with my gang I hold him closer as Yukai holds on to my hand I was so happy and I want this to last for ever.

"I like the brown Tuso its cute"

"Just like you"


few years later-

few years later-

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Welp this is the end my peeps if you hate it or like it please vote and Comment this story was mostly done by my brother and Yukon POV was done by me the little sister this story is mostly about determination courage love and struggle this book is really a success to me but I don't know about you all because I can understand my own character if you don't It okay oh and you wonder why Ryu have to die well l....He was the bad guy all along he was the main faker who tried to kill Monta by making Yukon thinks that he was the kill of many people so Yukon went to do research while she was in China. 😅so yeah welp thank you for reading my book and Now I can focus on my other one so peace out baby there will be extra of the rest of the memories of the others

 😅so yeah welp thank you for reading my book and Now I can focus on my other one so peace out baby there will be extra of the rest of the memories of the others

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