Remember and Unite 9

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After I got done training I started heading my way back to my room  'I'm glad Ryu is not here or he  will really throw me off'  I thought to myself as I takes off my clothes 'He  is truly full of surprised he just got some of the most strong candidates in the city, while  I was lost in thought my phone started to ring as I looked at the ID it was Cole a small grin appeared on my face as I answered "Hello?" I said putting my blue jeans and black shirt.

"Hey Yukon" he said clearing his voice and when he did I knew he did something he shouldn't do.

"What did you do?" I tapped my finger on the dresser and waited for his answer and the he coughed and sigh.

"Well I called the others and I know I should had asked but as you know they might want to help you and the rest of the people" he said shyly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I knew I was a bit happy "Who is coming?" I asked. He chuckled softly and said "Well Titus Ree, Axel Maru, Rocco Den and Ekon Jun,  Zeke Montana,Zale Remon they all is coming back to help to take down this  America Gang lord" his voice sound so confident and determined that it truly gave me hope. "Thats great when is they coming?" I sat on my bed smiling. "They might come on Tuesday or Wednesday but they will be ready for this war" I nodded at his words "Welp I will hang up first" I said softly "Okay speak to ya later" he said. And I hung up the phone with a breath of relief, I slowly got up and went to Yukai room he was laying in bed sleep with his thumb in his mouth he was so perfect and peaceful 'Yukai I promise I will protect you from harm all I want you to do is to be happy and be honest and nice' I thought while I sat next to him 'You sort of do look like him you have Ryu gray eyes and dirty brown hair like mines and his, You even have the same skin tone and the same attitude like him' I was deep in thoughts  until Ryu knocked on the door "Yukon" he whispered making get up and walking to him "Yes?" I crossed my arms and looked at him "Get the aid kit" He coughed up blood and slowly falls to his knees. 

I panic a little then I started to calm down 'No time to ask questions I need to help him' I quickly picked him up and walked to the bed room laying him in the bed "I will be right back I need to get some water and some thread" I said about to walk out the door but he grabbed my hand and pull my close to him "The Thread is in my closet" he said letting me go "Okay then" I grabbed the thread and some water "Now lets see your wound" I slowly cut open his shirt and when I did the very sight of this wound was massive but not so deep "What happened" I said cleaning his wound. But he didn't answer but it only closed his eyes 'Still arrogant  and rude when you is badly hurt I should let you bleed out to death' I huffed and started to  stitch  him up "You was in a fight I guess this wound was slashed by a Katana a strong one at fact it can cut so deep that you will be slice in half"  I cut the string and wrapped the bandage around his body. "You is smart to know what caused this" he said in a cold tone "That weapon was a killer but I was much stronger than that" he slowly sits up and stared at the window  "Who did you fought?" I said cleaning up the blood "The black Snakes" he smiled and nodded "They attack me when I was coming back from a meeting" I sat next to him and lay him back down "Take it easy" I whispered while I put the covers over him. 

"You need to be more careful next-" he quickly pulls me into a hug but this hug felt  familiar like We hugged before "So you care about me?" He mumbled "Well I do need you to help me to take this American gangster lord down so yeah I am worried about you" I cannot feel my legs his warmth gives me courage and strength like he is telling me to not to worry so much, I slowly pulled away and sat up "Yukon ....something happened when I was in battle" he looked serious but under that he was worried "What was it?" My body felt heavy when his gray silver like eyes lands on me "I finally know who you was and what we was back then" he smiled and closed his eyes "5 years ago you was at a bar thats where I was at you was hanging out with your friends as I was sitting in the back with mine you was smiling and laughing I was watching you from the distance from the back. You was red so I could tell that you was a bit drunk" he chuckled making me turn red "5 Years ago I wasn't drunk I was blushing because of what Cole said to me" I crossed my arms and looked away "so get it right...but I don't remember you 5 years ago" I started to think but Ryu continued "Well 5 years ago we was together  until some reason we split up and we don't remember anything about us and actually I think it is true because every time I'm near you I just want to hold you close not letting you go." He hold my hand making me feel hot.

But I do understand when I met him I did feel something and that feeling was like magic that I wanted to feel it again, "Yukon I think you was my queen in the past the queen that I was missing" he got closer to me but I didn't move I just stayed still "So that means Yukai is your son" I cannot stop my heart from beating, he was the father of Yukai but I cannot be so sure "I think I am it been so long to finally see you again and you was the one I been searching" we both stared at each other he slowly moves closer and closer the next thing I knew our lips was together he pulled me closer making me get on top of him, the kiss became more intense than ever then I broke away to breath "Y..Your wound might open" I  stutter with my body tingling inside. I truly don't want to stop I want him I want what we had from the pass and the future "It won't matter to me you can stitch me back up" he grins and kisses me deeply. His warmth my warmth as we became one once more we finally have each other now and that will be a smooth journey for us. 'We been a part thats why I was feeling kind of weird when I am around him like I truly know him and remembering him was the best but this happened to fast...I should make sure he is telling the truth' I thought to myself.

 Thursday meeting with old friends 

I walked in the restaurant With my blue dress with my black jean jacket, I asked the first desk where was the VIP room the lady pointed to the blue and gray door and I nodded and head for the door. "Hey Yukon" Rocco said getting up hugging me "Hey everyone" I smiled softly as I see Cole with brown  hair "Cole is that your real color of your hair?" I said trying to not to laugh "Yes this is my real color of my hair" he said running his hand through his hair " Oh please you look like a girl" Axle said laughing. He lift up his glass of wine to his lips as I looked at all of them Axle with shirt black midnight purple hair  and his eyes was a yellow like the sun even he's the wolf in this pack , as Rocco he was a bit mixed, he have white hair that was long to his back as his eyes was a like violets I do have to admit he is  unique  In ways. As I was mainly the only girl here with a group of sexy men but it didn't bother me one bit Axle was strong, Rocco was smart and sweet but scary as well when he get pissed, Cole he was a charmer and arrogant, Titus always was the serous fighter and Ekon was really not a talker he is one of the calm people. Zeke and Zale was mostly the technology creators that help hack most challenging systems.

"Where is Titus, Ekon, Zeke and Zale  they not here yet?" I sipped my wine as Axle was stretching "They will be on their way" his voice was deep and warm as I smirked and looked at Cole that was on his phone " What is you doing?" I asked out of boredom "Playing a game nothing fun" he sighed and turned off his phone "Next time Axle I pick a place where we can have fun" he huffed "So you can flirt with other girls no way" he drank his drink and put it diwn "They is so slow" he mumble. "Who's slow you big goof!" Said Titus walking in with his black ripped jeans and his blue jacket Titus he was a hot dude his had silver color hair and light color of gray he had shorter hair.  Ekon was behind him he had red hair with white streaks as his eyes matches his hair  "Move Titus you blocking my way to Yukon" his voice was quite and dull he glared up at Titus and that was the the  sign that it was time for him to move   Ekon hugged me "I missed you  Yukon" he whispered as I smiled " I did to" I let him go. Zeke came in with his short brown hair and black cherry looking eyes and followed by Zale he has glasses and short blackish gray hair they both hug me as I giggled. 

As we all was sitting down "Now as everyone should know that we the Cyber Clan is being threatened we lost one of our people in the fire last month and I want to prevent that from happening again.  I Yukon was threaten for my body I think Cole have the documents that I gave him to give to you all ....This is the support from the powerful candidate over the city" I explain. Each of them looked through the papers and sat them down "We is in war and we need to end this and quickly before the Cyber empire starts to fall that's why Cole called you  mostly I think this happen because some one wants me and the power that I possess over this city so instead of surrendering We have to fight" I put the paper down seeing that all of them was extremely excited about this. "Well Yukon we will be ready for battle and we will make sure they crash into hell where they belong" Axle said with smile as everyone nodded "The Cyber Clan had been United!" They all yelled at once making me smile. ' You hear that you American gangster You had started a flame that you should never have started now this fire will burn you down' I thought with a grin.

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