Queen chapter 28

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It was 2:00 in the morning I couldn't sleep because I was lost in thought wondering what will happen when I find Dinkon but I know his real identity people called him that even though it was similar to my name Yukon some of them was scared of me. But why am I feel so....scared, my phone started to ring and it seem it was Rocco who was calling me "H...hello?" I sit up looked over to see Ryu sleeping like a baby, "One sec" I got up and went down stairs so I don't wake him  up. "Whats up? Can't sleep" he asked "yeah...how you know?" I asked looking out the window "Well I couldn't sleep so I...thought about you" he sound so shy when he said that "Aw thats um sweet for you to say" I giggled softly. "Yukon you don't need to stress out about this" I can picture him smile with his white hair all messed up like always when he can't sleep "I know but....what if the people in China knows that Yukon that have a similar name to that....that killer" I felt my throat went dryer by the minute when I think about it. There was silence it was like Rocco was trying to find out what to say but I think he knows that it is true and I know it is as well. 

"Yukon?" He called. 

"Yes Rocco?" I bit the bottom of my lip waiting for what he have to say next "You is the queen...the queen of pride and peace yeah back in home town they might be scared of you but they don't know that you had changed" he was serious about what he said and that remains me of what he said yesterday 'I love you' it echoes in my mind but behind that it was giving a warm feeling "Besides you know who he is...I mean the real him so if you expose him and make everyone know who this man is you may have 100% chance of winning this fight" he was sure and I believe him but I really don't feel confident "Yukon?!" I heard a  concerning voice calling me "Eh...Rocco I...I talk to you later" I hung  up the phone and slide it in my rob "Yes?" I looked up the stairs seeing Ryu he looked shocked meaning by shocked he looked scared "You still alive" he quickly walked my way and hug me tightly "Ryu what wrong...with you?" I felt like I was suffocating in his arms "I had a dream that you died.." he sniffed as he pulls back  "Sorry" he rubbed the back. It was cute but a bit alarming at the same time because thee Ryu Sama acting cute and not cold as a ice berg . "Ryu lets go to bed" I smiled taking his hand "Befire we both be angry" I giggled and he gives me a small grin.


"Do you want to die!!!" Axle yelling at Rocco "Do you because I don't mind to get blood on my hands" Rocco growled "Hey you two no fight!" Samuel and Tuso said at the same time "He started it"  Rocco and Axle said given each other a death glare "I don't care we suppose to get everything ready when we go back to China" Samuel pulls out a file "Yukon told me to tell you all that she was go to the new base that take place in Shing Tong mountain" he said passing out the paper "And uh Ryu you going to be with Cole and Ekon to do night watch meaning you three is about to stay in the city for a bit" he smiled like he won the lottery.

Two days later they was on at their station Yukon was looking over the city view "Yukon?" Samuel called "Yes?" She looked his way "Here some tea" he gives her a warm cup of tea that smelled like mint "Home it looked so beautiful at night" he stands next to her "Yeah" she took a sip and sigh "He was supposed to be dead not alive" she looks at Samuel who was slowly drinking his tea "We saw him burn to death when Cole and Ekon set his punk ass on fire the pushed him off the cliff and You saw it" she looks down and clinched her jaw "Now he's back out there doing lords know what and We just acting like-" before she could say anything else Samuel lips was on hers. It was deep she felt his tongue slightly slipping its way in her mouth she want to move but can't  after a minute he pulls away "I been wanted to do that for along time" he put his head on her shoulder "I...I" she was stunned she was numb her mind is blank "You need to stop worrying about thing like that before you jinx this whole mission" he said looking her in the eye. And in 3 2 1 he was red as a cherry because he just realized that he just did the most stupid thing in the world so he stepped back and went his way out the door leaving  her all alone. As she was standing alone she was in deep thought and remembering how The kiss felt his lips  was warm on hers it felt so soft like pillows but why dose it have to happen now, she sigh went to her bed "He kissed me" she mumbled as she rolled on her side "I don't believe him he just kissed me when I was trying to talk" she put her face in her pillow and scream "Whyyyyyy!" She was overwhelm with everything and know thanks to Samuel Redocks Jackson she will be thinking about that.

On the next day she was outside running the sun was still setting  and it gave out a cute honey color with orange and red flame surrounding it. As she was running she noticed some of the boys here was staring at her and given her a smile and a wink she didn't mind but if they touch her yeah she will put them through hell meaning by that she will burn the hell out of them with gasoline because as all women they don't like when men trying to do things to them without  their permission. She took a break and sat on the bench that was by the water fountain and under a nice shade, she closed her eyes for a bit and started to relax until Axle came along yelling her name so the whole park can hear him "Yukon!" He runs towards her way and she looked up with a smile "What is you doing out here should you be on watch out?" She said putting her hand on her hip "Yeah but I am doing my job I was just walking around the park" I chuckled and took her hand and started to drag her to some where "Where is we going?" She asked looking at him "You should know" and he stopped "Our home it been a while that we haven't been here that everything had changed" he said looking at the bright lights "Yeah it got more beautiful than ever" she said softly.

"It looks a bit like a maze but their food is the best you should try the chicken and rice soup" he smirked.

"Is you trying to say something Axle?"

"Well everyone noticed that you was going through a hard time" he scratched his head and looked down "We is just worried about you I mean we just don't want you to feel down about this" he sigh.

"I know and you all should not worry about me I will be just fine" she pats his back "now lets go before the others start to go on a search party for us" she joke 

"Yeah" he said dully but hide it with a small laugh 'You is the queen of us all but I want you to be my queen and only mine alone' he thought as they went back to headquarters.

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