It been to long 12

16 1 0

I was walking down the street the day was warm the sun was bright and the wind was just right, I give out a small sigh and walked in a store it was more colder that I wrapped my arms around me "God why do they have to make this place cold?" I shivered, while walking I pulled a cart with me and my list "okay now lets see what I need" I pulled out a pen and start to look around for the things I need . While throwing things that I needed I saw someone that looks familiar I was really curious about it but I cannot just walk up to someone like a mad woman, I shook the thought out of my head and kept moving. I picked up some baking powder and some sodium then once again I see the same person and this time the face was clearer "It can't be" I said with a gasp, I rubbed my eyes and blink looking at the young man "Tuso" his name slipped through my lips. It seems that he heard me so I quickly went and hide in a different ally I sigh and shook my head "Why did I even hi-" before I was about to speak I was shortly cut off by a sweet bitter tone "Yuko?" Tuso said.

I turned my head to him as my eyes opened wide "T..Tuso!" I jumped back with my hand on my chest "It been so long" he pulled me in a hug as I was still trying to figure out what to do "Y...Yeah it been so long Tuso" I said pulling away "You grown a bit taller but still short" he chuckled. I crossed my arms and said "Yeah but shorter I am the better" I stick my tongue out, "Awww Yuko my sweet bitter Yuko I did miss you very much though" he scratched his black color hair "I missed you too...even Yukai did" I softly said, his blue colored eyes lit up as he took my hand "How is he doing?" He asked with glee. I started to push my cart because I was tired of standing in the same spot "Well you missed his birthday but he will forgive you..." I said picking up some bleach "Oh" that's all he really can say "Yeah" I mumbled.

Tuso helped me shop while we was doing that he sat a date for us so we could catch up "Thanks Tuso and I will make sure I be there" I waved as I went inside my car "No problem Yuko" he waved back.

I took off and drove to Cole place it took me 3 hours to get there so I was a bit tired, I knocked on His door as I was carrying the bags "Cole open the damn door!" I yelled growing inpatient "Alright alright" he said opening the door and when he did I turned red "C....Cole Yo..Your clothes" I shyly said, he had his towel wrapped around his waist as he whole body was wet .

"Oh...OH um...shit one sec" he ran up stairs as I walked in putting the stuff on the table. I pored the bleach into a a bucket "Okay now I'm ready" Cole said dressed in all black "Good now pour all of the baking powder in the other blue bucket" I said looking out the window "So this will help to clean our weapons" he asked adding salt then water "Yes do you remember 4 years ago I was the one who freaking made all of y'alls weapons a bit more cleaner" I rolled my eyes and got up " I will leave the information on the table if something happens call me and so you know me,Titus,Zeke,Zale and Axle we is about to go to China for two days." I said getting my bag "Wait you is about to leave me all alone" he whines. I opened the door "Dude shut up and do what I told ya and I promise I bring you something" I closed the door behind me and headed out.

At work

Ryu was in his study looking through the documents he was frustrated and tired but as he knows about himself he is really stubborn like a rock. He put his pen down and rubbing his forehead as he slowly looked at the time it was 8:00pm it was still dark out but he really was thinking about Yukon she didn't call or text him at all.

'What is this woman doing' he thought tapping his pen on his desk, he kept looking at his phone desperately waiting for her to call or text him. After a minute his phone rang without looking he answers "What took you so lo-" he was cut off by the voice "Why is you in such a rush mister Ryu" the mood Ryu just had dropped to a point that he wants to destroy the person that was on the other side of this phone "Samuel" Ryu hissed "Who gave you my number?" He asked turn his hands into fist "Is this is how you greet your old friend Ryu" he said. The words that he said made Ryu blood boil "We is not friends and we will never will be" he stood up from his chair and walked to the cherry blossom plant that was sitting by the window, "You really thought I won't find out that you was behind this" he grinned as he was waiting for his response.

"Heh...and if it was me?" Samuel asked making sound like mockery.

"Then you will pay for what you did " Ryu said, he walked to his couch and sat down "But I wanted to ask why did you do?" He turned on his IPad and started text Yukon. And when Samuel spoke Ryu was beyond mad he was going feel like the devil himself.

"Because Yukon was mine before she even met you...and I promise I will get her back" his voice was harsh and threatening.

"Yukon was never yours!" Ryu yelled with rage, while he was so busy being up
set Yukon text him

Yukon: Yeah I just got back I was about to call you but I didn't want to bother you

Her word smooth him down he was back calm and cool, he closed his eyes and smiled "Samuel you will never have Yukon and I am going to make sure that will not happen she is mine and mine alone. And if you want to touch her or hurt her I will definitely get rid of you" Ryu hung up the phone and rake his hands through his hair and sigh.

Samuel Redocks company

"Oh Ryu you really don't know what's coming" he walked to the window and grin "Yukon I will get you back and I promise" he looked at the picture that he took of them when they was 13 and 16 years old "I promised I will protect you and care for you and I mean it all" he said while still holding the picture

"You is mine"

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