Prepared 10

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As everyone started to leave Ekon pulled me to the side " Yukai okay how was he" Ekon Said shyly, he look so cute when he shy even when he is worried "Yes Yukai is okay" I smirked and walked away but Ekon followed me "Ekon?" I asked then a gasped slipped from my lips  he started to hug me from behind "I'm sorry I just want to hug you"  he sounded like he was about to cry when he spoke the I slowly turned around to face him, he was taller to me so it will be a struggle for me because I have to look up at him "Ekon I miss you to and you don't need to worry about this you know that we will win this" I smiled softly, his shoulders dropped and he breaths out "Okay..then I have to go and get our weapon then meet you back at the Gathering grounds where we used to be" he said pulling out his phone about to make a call "Yes And that will leave me to get all of y'all uniforms together" I said writing a note "Okay" we both said then we both went our separate ways.

 While lost in thought I heard a beeping sound of a car I turned and saw Ryu's car its was all dark that it can blend in with the night 'We might need something like this to go with the plan' I thought then Ryu came out "Is you going to stand there or come to me" he smiled making me giggle "Yeah I'm coming" I put my notes away and walked in the car as he closed it behind me "Yukon...Who was those men" he suddenly got serious, I was trying to think of what to say or explain but nothing came to mind so I told the truth "Those men was the Cyber boys they is the most finest fighters in Tokyo" I said looking out the window "What was you guys talking about?" He asked. 

'Why is he so worried ' I bit my lip and looked his way "Well we was talking about taking the Americans gangster empire down" I huffed. He nodded in understanding then took a hard turn making me stick to the door "Ryu!!!" I said closing my eyes tightly. "We is being followed" he said. I look out the window seeing two Black vans  "Oh Shit!" I took out my  bronze whip "Mister do you have any more weapons in this nice car~" I teased making him smirk "In the back sweetheart" He pushed a button as guns, Swords, bombs, Big machine guns, snipers and many  others start to appear.

My face lit up when I picked up the Machine gun  "Whoa hun can you hold something that big?!" he said with shock. I nodded "Go into the woods" I pointed he took a hard right then a left 'I think I'm going to be sick if he keep driving like this' We stopped in the woods I jumped out with the Machine gun on my back and My whip on my thighs. "when did you change?" He asked grabbing me by the waist and looked me up and down I saw hunger in his eyes like he was going to eat me right up "Always be prepared" I smiled then I heard a  branch crack in the woods.

 I pulled out the smaller gun and pointed at the right while Ryu hand a bolt sniper rifle. Then next thing I knew we was being fired at, I quickly jumped onto a tree and saw three men on the left side "Ryu!!! They is on the left!!" I yelled he quickly got down and ran towards them with speed and when I said he is fast he was fast like a demon. 

One gunshot rang out the forest as I see Ryu walking out with blood on his cheek. I jumped down as I point my gun to the right and shot three times and I hear body's Dropped. My left eye started to glow a dark red as I was full of  determination I want more I wanted to kill more  Before I could take off Ryu kissed me "Get down" he said as he pulled me down next to him and I  realized  That my left eyes was not glowing no more some how he calm me down and made me feel relaxed. 

I heard Voices was Echoing In the distance "Find them!" A male voice yelled "Ryu we need to-" he put his hand over my mouth "No we will not split up" he grin, then I knew what he mean he want us to go and go on a killing rampage that made me smile more. 

I pulled out the Machine gun that was 10 times bigger than me and I lifted up pointed to the left side then I gave out a big ass bang "Die!" I yelled Ryu was behind me as I stopped and looked at the 123 men that had appeared "Well well is this a surprise we got two royals" the big male said, his body was covered with scars and his lips looked like it was cracked his eyes was like a tiger and his teeth looked like thangs "My name is Marcus Thomas  I was the one who burn the East building down" he chuckled. 

My blood started to boil as anger took hold I was Ready  to attack him but Ryu hold me back "You is a fucking murder!!! Do you know how many people died in that fire!" Tears ran down my face. I was so hurt I lost half of my people in there but mostly it was my fault I should had been there to save them I should be the one who should be dead not them "Well I don't know and I don't care about it mostly it was your fault that you never surrender yourself to us " he crossed his big arms around his chest "Why is you making a big deal about this if she doesn't want to go she doesn't have to" Ryu said stepping in front of me "She is mine and I marked her as mine and you all should know never touch a devil  property are you a pay" he hissed making my body tingle. 

Blaze laughed and looked down at Ryu "Pretty boy pretty boy if you don't move I will make you face look like Jimmy toenails over there" he pointed at the big fat man. Ryu shook his head and kick Blaze down and bend his arms all the way to his back and when his arms went so far to his back the broke blood splatter all over as Blaze Yelled the men gasped and started to step back "If you ever get closer to my girl you will die" he warned getting off of him "I..I will never forget this I will not let you off!" He yelled getting up with support from his men. 

Then they all disappear  I sigh and sat down with my hands in my hair as I was  exhausted of all this fighting "Yukon?" He picked me up in his arms and put his head under my chin "lets go home I think Yukai is worried about his mommy" he smirk "And I think he is worried about his father as well" I teased making him blush "Awww did I made you blush sweets~" I kissed his cheek."If you keep flirting you will run out what to say when I take you to bed" I chuckled.

 'He really is something' I thought to myself and when I looked up at him his face looked so serious like he is making a plan.

'She is to  precious and to wonderful to me and I need to protect that, It been 5 years that we had never known that we both was missing each other. And the main thing I'm worried about is her  Beauty  It might  Attract men and they might start to flirt...Oh hell no that will not happen if anything happened to her they will die a horrible death' he thought not knowing that Yukon was staring at him. And he was mostly scaring her "Calm down" she whispered making him look at her as the reach the car " Don't need to be so protective over me I can fight" she said with a smile, she looked so damn cute when she smiles oh who much he missed her "Fine" he smirked and we both got in the car and drove off.

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