Life Over Death Chapter 35

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I was soooo fucking pissed of what Titus just did I knew I should kept my mouth shut but it was bound to happen one day the truth will get out but I promise myself I will not leave this world not yet I still have a purpose so I will fight and keep moving on I don't care if I will die but Sometimes I do sometimes I wish I can turn back time and none of this will happen. I was In the training hall trying out my new gear I was suited up in my black and red battle clothes It felt so good around my boobs it stays still when I move "Tuso pass me my Gun" I said And he nodded softly and passed me my favorite gun when I was just 18 years old the 2.7 LX Acidity 23000 It can can shoot over 10000 Bullets in one go and when You shoot the bullets blows up and Acid gas will melt the skin of a person and It can kill faster. 

I took aim and waited for Tuso to say go "Now!" He yelled and thats when i went lost feeling the force of the gun hitting my shoulder as each round the gas became thick her but I think  Tuso and Zeke plus Zale can make it a bit thinner so it can invisible and the bullets should be a bit smaller. "Hey!" I sat the gun down and Tuso came over "Okay you see the gas gets more thicker on each round so A person can see it I want it to be Invisible" I Sat on the table and Tuso took some notes "Plus the bullets are to big they should be a bit smaller" I added and he nodded, I looked down but a strong finger lifted my head back up and I was met with Blue Neon eyes we was close so close that I can feel is minty breath on my cheek "You shouldn't worry so much Yukon I believe that you will make it" he said softly "But we don't know that" I said sadly as I feel my heart turning small "Yukon" He whispered "Wha-" When I faces him I was met with his lips my eyes went wide I wanted to protest but I felt like I was paralyzed.

 He moved his body closer to mines his arms went around me then he broke away with a small breath "You taste wonderful" he said putting his head on my shoulder, my heart was beating fast so fast I feel like it will drop out of my chest "Yuko-Chan I hate it" he mumbled "I hated when you was with Ryu I hated when you left" I looked at him "Yes I was mad when I saw your son the son of the man who took you away but..." He backs away and took a deep breath "Yukon I want you....I..I need you to be with me"  he takes my hand "Please Yukon" he beg and hold my hand to his lips "I need you" he mumbled. 

I don't know what to do he just... "I need to go" I got up and went to the door I looked back and his eyes was telling me not to go but I have to. Ryu and Yukai These twi should be together and I don't want to stop that yeah I used to be with him and I did love him but I don't feel nothing for Ryu at all yeah I forgot about him 5 years ago and and Yukai never know his father, As I was to busy Thinking  I bumped into someone I looked up and gasp "Ryu" he looked down at me with his cold eyes and smirked "Lets go Monta called" he said and walked passed me. I followed him to the room seeing all eyes on me I took my seat at the end of the table "Well wha-" "Yukon we are so sorry" they said bowing down "We didn't mean to make you feel hurt we was just.....worried" Rocco said "Yeah And now that we know we should be more careful around you and we will try our best to help you" Cole added "Yuko no more secrets stop being so selfish what ever is bothering you just tell already know how we deeply feel about you so stop acting scary" Titus said crossing his arms. Here they go again worried about me I know they love me  I know they care I know all that but sometimes they should think about themselves not me I am not so important "You all is the one is selfish" I stood up 

"You never think about yourselves"

"What makes you so different?" Ekon stood as well and looked me in the eye "What makes you different?" He asked again "nothing makes me different but I hate it when you all risk your life for me you all acting like I am th-" "You is the only girl you is more special than anybody and now you is sick..and the biggest fear is losing you" Zale said "You all don't have to worry about me you may not know the doctors may have a cure" I argued "What if they don't?" Zeke said "Then this is my fate then" I huffed, Arguing is not the right time we should be worried about the mission and the war that will take place on Sunday underneath the ground  "Samuel" I said and he looked at me "Yukon they is right" he sigh "You to" I shook my head and left I went to the fair grounds and watch everyone having fun I came a crossed a mirror seeing that my hair is growing back and the dye is fading I pulled out my hair tie and put my hair in a ponytail.

Something is not right I feel like someone is following me but who, I my eyes scanned the whole place but didn't see anything out of place so I kept walking until I heard gun shots everyone started to scream and panic I looked around for the shooter and spot to snipers on the roof tops and one on the ground but only one body I saw was a lady she looked like shes in her 30s but who was they aiming I started to help people get out of the way they was going crazy with these guns. "Mommy!" I heard a kid cried I looked around seeing a boy with black hair and it seems the sniper was about to shoot him I ran a crossed and grabbed him taking to bullets in the back but I kept moving "Everyone take cover!" A voice yelled it was Tuso I guess I felt so dizzy but still I need to get these people toa safe place then the others are coming and its seems this turning out as a shoot out I smiled at Tuso and he gave me a smile back and started to shoot while I try to help people out the rides "Go Go!!! Get out of here!" I said. When I turned back all of them was here shooting fight and protecting.

When the  rest had  flee I was stand there with a smile I was so proud of them really proud all them turned to face me And the gives me grins smirks. When I try to move I feel on the ground landing in my own blood All of them running my way as Tsuo holds me closer "Yukon stay with me" he said desperately "Tuso" I weakly said as my eyes slowly opened and close "Yeah Yeah" he said with tears coming down his face "I'm Sorry" I softly laughed "Yukon you is going to be okay" Ekon said holding my hand "Please the ambulance is on its way" Zeke said. Zale and the others surrounded me "I am sorry for lying to you all" I said as blood slowly comes out my mouth"Its okay Yukon we don't care about that no more we just want you to live" Samuel and Axle said together I smiled and looked at them  Tuso and  I  put my hand on his cheek "Tuso...I do love you I love all of you every last one of you I am so glad that I met you" I coughed when I saw flashing lights 

"Thank you all for" and everything went dark, I could hear them yelling my name telling me to wake up but I don't have  enough strength to grant them their wish. I want to wake up I want to live for them But I cannot move.

"Yukon please stay with me"

"You can make it I know you can"

"Stop being so damn stubborn and wake up"

These voices are  so full of hope I wonder what do they see in me what is so special about me.


What will happen to her will she live or will she die? 

Who will she pick Ryu, Tuso or the others ?

Lets see will happen next time on "Gang Queen Of Tokyo" bye bye

Lets see will happen next time on "Gang Queen Of Tokyo" bye bye

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