Pain Can Be Covered But Can Be Found Out Chapter 32

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After the whole confession thing yesterday day I just sat in my room alone and start brewing a plan But my mind was to full of so many regrets but I need to stay clam and fix this so everything can go back to normal, I got up and went to my big oak wood dresser and sat in front of the mirror my hair was in a wild mess But I didn't care I pulled out scissors and started cutting my hair I was angered that I didn't pay any attention that I cut my hand I cried....then I stopped I looked at myself one last time and saw that I was a mess. I look at the black dye that was in my  drawer, I quickly grabbed it and went to do what I need to do. When I got out my phone was ringing and it seems to be doctor Jerry "Hello" I said softly while putting my towel down "Is you coming to the office today?" He asked sounding a bit concern. I looked at the date on my and saw it was twenty first "Ah yes yes I am just getting ready" I quickly took off my clothes and when I did I gasped... I had a red line going around my body and black and purple marks on my legs, it seems Jerry heard me "Yukon is you okay?" He said "Yeah I mean no" I shook my head an put on my white flower dress and a blue jean jacket. "What was wrong?" "Its seems I have a red line go all around my body plus black and blue marks all over my legs making it look like I was beaten up" I picked up my hand bag and walked out the room the boys was out leaving me here alone in the mountains.

"Yukon come here right away!" He shouted and hanged up. I looked at my phone with shock and  shrugged, While I was walking it seems my left leg was cramping and my body felt so sore "I need to call a uber" I mumbled but I didn't feel like moving my arms so I went and took a seat at a cafe. I saw people laughing and smiling some with kids and some was alone but still feel happy with their smart phones, I feel jealous of them they get to do anything and not to worry about big things like me while I was in thought some one yelled and it seems it was that the person was yelling at was me "Hey its the Demon Yukon Silver 'Moon'!" A man yelled and here comes a female "Omg No way the monster is-" before the lady could finish Someone slaps her and All I can hear is gasp and mumbles "Yukon is a queen and you should respect the queen, She haven't hurt anyone but all of y'all making it seems like she did" Tuso said with anger as his neon blue eyes started to darken. Then another person pulls out his phone and started to record "What so great about this Yukon?" He asked and Tuso give the man a hard glare "Yukon is the queen of Tokyo and she is the protector of that city she is wiser stronger and beautiful than anybody in this messed up world and to be honest she came back here to take down the man who took her name" he said looking at me. I don't know what just happened but I cannot believe that he really just said that.

After he got done lecturing them he walks over to me with a smile his neon blue eyes lit up once again and that made me kind of happy "New hair do?" He asked "Yeah you like?" I said flinging my hair to side to side "Its sexy" he flirts and I just rolled my eyes. "What is you doing out here?" Asked "I  post to be going to the doctor" I said without thinking. Tuso tilts his head and looked my way "Why? Is you okay?" He started to build up questions and I have to try to built up answers and that when I finally broke "I am dying" I said putting my head down "You is right I should had went to the doctors and see if I am really fine know the poison will spread its all because I was to stubborn" I felt my throat went dry and when I looked up at Tuso tears was coming from his face "Is you lying to me? Is you playing a game on me?" I don't know what to say Its like my voice is gone "Yukon please tell me they found a cure" his voice cracks "I don't know" I looked down and started to play with the loose string on my dress. "The doctor gave me pills to slow it down so they will have time to find an cure" "Lets go!" He grabs my hand and we started to walked up till we hit the next street I told him I cannot walk far so he picked me up and walked the rest of the way it would be quicker if Ekon didn't take my motorcycle then I will save myself from this struggle. Tuso and I went in and Soon I Relies three or five nurses came an dput me on a bed I didn't know what was going on and Tuso was in shock he quickly grabbed my hand and started ti say sweet things  I was scared and worried. Until we made it to a black door they told Tuso not to come  and that when we both broke apart "Yukon I need you to stay calm okay we is just going to give you a x-ray and do some tests" Jerry said looking at the computer.

What was going in what was they doing my mind was full with fear that I passed out my body felt numb and I could only hear mummers in the darkness saying  check this check that and while I was in the darkness I saw Jack Sparrow  and that was woke me from my small daydream "You is up thank god" Said Tuso who was hugging  my waist I looked around and saw no one just Tuso "What happened?" I asked "To much stress" he said holding my tighter "And when That Jerry guy was trying to take off your clothes I kicked him straight on his ass but one of the ladies was about to do it bot him" he huffed and snuggles his head into my chest I looked at him and sigh  "What did they say?" I put my short hair in a small ponytail and lifted Tuso head up "They said the poison is getting strong so for the meds to work you have to stay clan and not moving around to much" Tuso said hugging me more tighter but I rest my hand on his head and whispered "I will be okay and I know I will like you said I am stronger than anybody in this wold" I smiled and he did the same.

When we got out Tuso took me around to see the town it was like 12:56 am right now because I just came  out of the hospital even though men around here don't know how to stop flirting "So do you mean what you say Yukon? Like you going to make it" Tuso said kicking a rock "Yeah I mean it" I lied. Even though lying was bad in this kind of problem but I am wishing I will be okay so  I should pass down that hope down to him so he won't worry to much about me. "Please don't lie" he said pulling me in a hug and I smiled.

"I promise Tuso I will never lie to you"

"Good because if you do I will never forgive you"

"You act like a kid" I giggled.

"I know but seriously don't lie to me" he said crossing his arms

"Jeez okay crybaby I promise I will live for you and for my son" I lift up my pinky and he did the same "Promise" we both said.

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