Day 0: Favour to ask

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•A favour to ask•

How does one live life? Or fulfil their own desires and dreams? Have a bucket list? However, It is unlikely that every individual will possess a bucket list or any sort of mental note of what they wish to achieve by the end of their life.  If a certain individual wish to lead a simple life and content with it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Right?

Then why do you find people judging you for having a simple, well-rounded life? Why do they make you feel like having to live by the rules is a bad thing? Why do they pity you?

Some may have had a long, risk-taking and adventurous activities that they want to do, but you don't. You have had lead an incredibly busy life to achieve the success you have at the age of 25. Your parents had strictly pressurised you to complete your education for the sake of a stable future, for which you happily and more distressingly obliged. When you have earned a respectable degree, you found yourself being hit with the reality of this not so generous world rules. Which advanced you to be forced to spend three more years to find a suitable job that provides good environment along with a good salary to meet your daily needs.

Now after a long four years of working, you have finally bought a house. However, your housewarming party in the middle of the night with your colleagues hasn't been too kind with your sudden realisation. You were painfully single.

For a person who's incredibly smart and knows how to present herself, that was a bummer. Your social personality with a charming attitude, any people can easily mistake your confident aura with being the most experienced in dating life. However, you sometimes wished to scream, just because you were social and confident, doesn't mean your dating life is also filled with pleasant and intimate interactions.

Sure, being a person with lack of intimacy from a partner isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, you weren't too bothered by it. However, people around you constantly reminded you about your love life, your colleagues and friends constantly pushing your love life in the name of banter. Which to your utmost dismay, pushed you to think, it was the matter of urgency that you find a guy.

"Oh god, he was a real jerk. He didn't even call me after that night." One of your co-workers, Evan has said. You guys were drunk enough to discuss Evan's bad experience of her recent hookup.  "How dare he not call me?"

"I mean did you call him?" You try to connote. Your other friends, Lia and Talia gawked at you as if you have uttered something very wrong.

"Of course not." Evan rolled her eyes. "Why should I call?"

This is what you hated about these girls. Double standard. Why should the guy always have to call, and make sure he wasn't coming off as a douche? Evan should've also tried to contact him before moaning about how much of jerk he was. After all, both Evan and the guy had one intention in mind that night. How would the poor guy know that she was waiting for him to stay? And call to say what? Hey, good morning? How's life?

But then again, you had no experience with that particular part of life, therefore you don't know the rules and how they work.

"And if he did, you would have called him clingy." You reply. That was true, When Evan found herself in the house of a random dude the previous time, he tried to initiate a conversation when Evan blanked him with a statement 'how it was a one-time thing.'

Maybe you definitely do not understand the rules. You think to yourself.

"Babe, you shouldn't speak. You don't even know how it feels to be even kissed." Evan giggles.

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