Day 7: Spy

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Day 7: Spy

"Okay, maybe not this." You reply to Luna as she shows her chosen shirt.

"Ugh, He has so many shirts already. And I swear to God, who came up with the concept of birthdays?! Ugh! And on top of that, he had to marry me after a week of his birthday. Now I need to look for an anniversary gift as well." She complains.

You giggle at her whining before showing her another choice. "Well your decision to knot down, not mine!"

You and Luna were out for a girls day out. Figuring how stressed you and her were, you needed this day. But then again, you didn't really need any special excuse to hit the spa with Luna. You and her have been together for almost your entire life and it feels odd when you don't keep your ritual of going out and treat yourselves for a day. You were glad that whole Hoseok misunderstanding was buried under the rug, cause even it was for a day, you hated the whole situation.

"You are a dumbass when it comes to gifts! Why are you giving him something he already has times 1000!" You mention, she glares at you, not pleased with your answer. "Okay then, what did you get him?" Luna asks, eyes pleading for you to spill.

You smirk before raising a palm. "Well, as usual, I'm not telling you." You add, flicking your imaginary hair. "It's the best gift so far."

"Why did you even come with me- oh shit!" Her speech was halted as she abruptly clutches your forearm, before dragging you behind the cloth rack.

"What the hell?! What happened and ouch, it hurts!"

"Shush! Look, it's Jimin! And Tae!" She whisper yells. You mimic her large eyes, before cautiously looking over the two male across the place, entering the shop opposite the one you two were currently in. "I bet he just remembered about our anniversary and now going in to buy me a gift." Luna narrows her eyes.

You glare at the girl before hitting her upper arm. "So did you, idiot! Forget anniversary, his birthday is the day after tomorrow and now you decided to buy the gift!" You whisper yell.

"Bitch, are you my friend or his?!" You both continue yelling under your breath.

"Shut up! Why are we hiding again?!" You snap back.

A smirk makes an appearance against her lips. "Well, how about I see what he's  getting me."

Mimicking her expression, you smirk. "Now that's more like it! Let's go!" Before she further notices, you grab her wrist, tossing the shirt away before exiting the shop.

"He's entering GUCCI!" You continue your commentary dramatically.

"I told this motherfucker to not give me those ugly shits!" Luna complains.

"Hey! Those are classy!" You defend. Luna stares at you for a good three seconds before you both burst into laughter. "Nah, who am I kidding? they are hideous." You conclude.

"Right? He bought a belt the other day and oh my god, Y/n..." Luna sighs painfully. "That was the most useless ugly piece of shit I've ever seen!" She cries.

"Well, thankfully they seem to be buying for themselves. Ew, look what Jimin is picking!" You cringe at the sight of Jimin choosing a pair of flipflops. They had a weird print of lions and some other ugly looking creatures, with its logo on the top.

Luna removes the rack of clothes that was disrupting her view before gasping. "How dare they not buying anything for me?!"

You stare down at the struggling girl. "Do you even want Gucci?"

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