Day 16: Big day crisis (part 1)

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Day 16: Big Day Crisis (Part 1)

Jimin entered the elevator with a big smile on his face. The co-workers, other staff members that were already present in the small spaced elevator, surprisingly gawks at Jimin. It was not a news that Jimin never even stretched his lips to say hi let alone grin this hugely.

"Hello, Mrs Ji." Jimin happily greets the lady, who seemed to get a heart attack, hearing Jimin's voice for once.

"Hold me, I think I'm still on my bed... dreaming." She gasps while holding one of her colleagues, who was equally shocked. Jimin simply giggles before exiting the lift after it opens.

Jimin whistles while lost in his own daydream. Today just has to be perfect and it is perfect. He confidently strides in as he himself checked with Taehyung if everything was according to his plan just last night. It was around 7 am in the morning and you weren't in the office yet. Perfect. He only needed half an hour to check everything is in its place before he started the day.

He easily convinced Namjoon to participate since the boss owed him a day off but he never imagined Jimin would use his day off in the office just for the sake of you.

He gets welcomed by a sad face of Luna. Jimin blinks twice. "Erm, why that face?" He asks.

"The people you hired to give her gifts backed out last minute." She informs Jimin with a tone indicating sadness. His heart thumped a beat at that. How did the perfect day start with a bad news like this?


"I know man, we don't know what to do. The roses are with us here." Taehyung showed the bunch of roses laying on top of Namjoon's. Namjoon's office room is the only place people needs permission to enter, so all the stuff were placed in his room without anyone knowing.

"What do I do now?!" Jimin sighs, dishearted. Millions of vision of his failure flashed before his eyes.

"Hey! It's only this-" Luna was about to start when Evan comes in between.

"Don't worry Jimin! Scrap this idea, we should skip to the next plan!" Evan proposes.

Luna visibly frowns at that. "You can't just tell him to-" She starts, however, gets cut again by Namjoon.

"This is actually not ideal, but maybe we should listen to Evan, and move onto later plans. This was a small thing anyway."

"It's not, I wanted to take her out to the breakfast and start the day." He disheartenedly states again. "And these stupid flowers!" He grabbed one of the roses and threw it on the floor.

"Also, Erm the cafe is also closed..." Evan quietly pipes in.

Taehyung shifts at that, "It's not! I just checked the company cafe, it's open." Taehyung quickly states before Jimin got another heart attack. "Why are you saying it's closed?"

"Jimin wanted to take Y/n to the company cafe?" Evan shifts the focus with a disgusted face; which wasn't particularly liked by Luna, but Taehyung holds Luna before she could start a fight.

"Yes, Because-"

"Guys! Y/n is here!" Hoseok and Yoongi come running to the room.

"WHAT?!" Every audience's eyes bulge out in shock. How on earth did you come to the office so early today? Everyone began to pace around, baffled. Namjoon grabs the gift boxes and runs around to a direction. Taehyung and Luna grab the flower and threw a few to Yoongi and Hoseok. Jimin just stood there, mentally stressed seeing his entire plan falling apart.

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