D-5: Little flower

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D-5: Little flower

You entered the market with a somewhat elated mind. You wanted to buy some necessities for Luna. Since her back-pain was increasing day by day, you wanted to purchase something that would ease up the pain. Pregnancy was hard as far as you were seeing, you crave things a lot, constant mood swings and pain, as well as sacrificing a lot of delicious foods. But all in all, when you see Taehyung taking care of Luna makes you wonder how you will be treated if you wanted to bring a child to the world. You smile unknowingly at that.

The market was quite busy. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, there is an open street market here. Everything gets very lively and busy when the vans line up behind the open stalls. After purchasing the massager, you decided to roam around the market for a while.

It was a nice sunny day and everyone in the town were very friendly. Every seller called you sweetly and offered their goods. The chatty slogan and loud welcome were evident how energetic they were.

A beautiful stall that sold customised wooden goods and flowers bouquets caught your attention. You saw one of the pieces that were carved to make a beautiful crying baby in its mother's arm. "Woah, Loons will love this-" You talk to yourself.

"Are you expecting, child?" The owner of the stall, an old granny spoke sweetly.

Feeling flustered, you shook your head immediately. "Oh no no! It's for me! My friend is!"

She sweetly chuckled. "Ah, if it's your friend, I'm sure shortly after you will soon give the good news!"

Laughing nervously, you shook your head again. Heat and colour were taking over your face. Every time she mentioned, Jimin's face was flashed before you. You wanted to stop thinking about what can be the product of that intimacy you guys share.

"You look like you've someone in mind! Shall I pack this for you too, dear?" She lovingly asks.

"Yes, please!" It wasn't your voice, you looked behind to reveal Park Jimin. He wore a big smile with a cheesy stare at you. You glare at him, already anticipating him teasing you about this.

"Oh good morning, young man." The lady smiles warmly, Jimin immediately sends an eye smile to her direction.

"Is this young man your boyfriend I assume?" She laughs.

You could only laugh nervously but Jimin answers for you. "Ah, yes! How did you know?!"

The man holds your hand lovingly and pull you closer to him. The grandma smiles gently seeing that. "You both sure lovely together."

Both of them falls into a smooth conversation while you bite your lower lip in embarrassment. You eye the wooden sculpture and decide to brush off your thoughts. "Ah! Granny, I will have two of this please," You decide to purchase without giving any more thoughts.

Jimin grins sheepishly at you buying two of them. "It will bring luck for your future child," The older lady states. You can only nod, still trying hard not to smile.

After you leave the place with Jimin, he decides to ask. "Why did you buy it?"

"For Luna of course!" You avoid eye contact.

"Luna doesn't need two though?" He teases.

"You never know! She might have twins!" You yelp.

Jimin chuckles at your flustered self. He could've continued with his teasing, but he lets go. "So, why are you here?" You ask.

"Hmm, I don't know? It's a good day, I thought I could use a stroll!" You knew it was a lie and he definitely came to spend time with you. But you certainly didn't mind.

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