Epilogue: Park Jimin

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''Luna! Are you listening?!'' You ask grumpily as you were in the middle of a ranting session, while your best friend wasn't giving you the ear you needed. She simply was dozing off with a baby boy against her chest, who was also sleeping soundly.

You momentarily melt at the scene before you. You run your finger against baby Luca's cheeks tenderly before flattening your smile when you see his mother sleeping on the couch. ''Idiot! Can't even wake you up.'' You shake your head. "You're doing very well, Baby Mama." You praise her sleepy state, patting her.

Luna was in the middle of breastfeeding so you fix her cardigan before attempting to take sleeping Luca off her chest. The baby, however, stubbornly clutched his mother's chest, even in the sleepy state not wanting to separate from his mother nor the food source.

Taehyung comes exactly at that time when you were struggling. You bring the finger to your lips, suggesting him to be quiet. The baby daddy nods before coming towards to help taking Luca away from Luna. You notice how subconsciously Luca becomes comfortable against his dad's hold. ''Woah, he really knows who's who huh?'' You whisper.

Taehyung grins proudly before rocking his son. ''Let Luna sleep for a bit, she couldn't sleep at all for past few days. Luca has been very fussy during the night.''

You agree with him before waving him a quick goodbye, defeatedly sigh since even Luna couldn't help you with the problem you were facing. You drive to Jin's restaurant when you find Hoseok sitting on one of the unattended tables.

''What's up, my favourite girl? Why is there a frown on your face?'' Hoseok chuckles before urging you to spill. You defeatedly groan after taking a seat and begin to narrate.

24 hours ago

"What is it with you and broccoli please?" Jimin clicked his tongue, finding it amusing how your nose scrunches up at the view of the vegetable.

You were picking up the grocery with your boyfriend. Nothing too extravagant or out of ordinary. Luna had asked you to get her some stuff since she couldn't go out as often, so being a good friend you were, you volunteered to help.

Luna has been sleep-deprived for a long time due to the newborn. The friend of yours had almost zero sleep for the past one and a half month. Not only the mother, but the new father was also found himself to be crankier than usual. They absolutely doted on their baby, but they also needed a few hours of sleep to function.

"I think Luna and Tae needs this." You point at the baby section. "She told me that diapers were running out." You mention. Jimin wordlessly picks up the necessities and tosses them on his basket.

"Luca is a baby owl, I'm telling you!" Jimin chuckles. "I can't wait to tell him how much he killed his parents' sleep when he grows up!"

"Hey! Don't talk about growing up too soon! Luca is our baby, the cutest fluffball. I don't wanna think about him growing up already!" You almost cry out. Jimin knew Luca is your new favourite person in this entire world. Pretty much everyone knew that if anyone tried to even think about harming the baby, you would be there to end it all.

"Babygirl, you are so-"

"Mr Park?!" You hear a female voice ringing your ear. You turn and view a female walking towards you. She was a few centimetres taller than you with a much curvier body, bigger breast and ass. Not a single thing she has was common with you. Whatever you had, she had two times with a generous amount.

"Ju." Jimin breathes.

"Long time no see, huh?" The woman named, Juana comes forward and hugs your boyfriend.

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