Day 15: Scarlet

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Day 15: Scarlet

"Shall I call Luna or no? Shall I call Luna or no?" You chant back and forth, feeling anxious than ever.

With a final grunt, you drop back to your bed and kick the air multiple times before crying and whining a bit more.

"Oh for God's sake! What do I do next?" You talk to yourself again. What do people even do after they find out they are in love? Tell them? Ask them out? But shouldn't boys do that? Oh shoot, am I too old fashioned? Did the time change? "ARGH! My head hurts!" You cry out loud.

"Yoongi! He should know!" The light bulb above your head lights up. You quickly sprint towards your phone and press Yoongi's number.

You wait a few more seconds and the call keeps on redirecting to the annoying speaker. Was he cutting your calls? You try few more times not taking the name to stop calling him.

At last, he picks up. "He-"

"Shush! I need help!" You don't let him to greet you.

There was a quick hesitation heard from the other side of the phone. At last, he speaks. "Oh, erm. I am a bit busy right now!" He quickly states. "Okay, I will go bye!" He hangs up before you could even process.

Your next victim was Jung Hoseok.

However, similarly to Yoongi, he took a several calls to make him pick your call up. And when he did, he stated that apparently he was in a meeting. You felt bad for disrupting him, but you were more concerned about your head bursting with worries than meetings at that time.

"I should call Namjoon!" You exclaim before clicking on the name of your favourite boss.

•Jimin's Apartment•

"What did she say?!" Jimin asks to the man who was sitting across his couch.

"She said she needed my help and I'm sad that I disconnected her calls! It's your fault!" Yoongi clicks his tongue.

"Good! You gentlemen, are gathered here to help ME." Jimin stands proudly before closing his eyes and stretch his arm with a smile. Yoongi scowls in disgust seeing Jimin act out of his personality.

Hoseok rolls his eyes before throwing the pillow at his face. "Shut up! I would rather help Y/n!"

"Stay away from my girl." He grits his teeth to his friend. Hoseok and Yoongi sighs, looking at one another and shaking their head.

"Guys, Y/n is calling me too!" Namjoon suddenly exclaims as the phone rings up in his hand.

"Ugh! Why is she calling y'all!" Jimin moans in annoyance.

"Shut your jealous ass up, maybe she really needs help for something serious?" Namjoon points out.

"Exactly!" Yoongi agrees. "Explain this dumbass."

"Don't call me dumbass!" Jimin frowns.

"I didn't say anyone's name, if you think I'm calling you, then it's your personal problem." Yoongi snaps. Hoseok breaks down into a small chuckle but immediately shuts up seeing Jimin's angry glare towards him.

"Let me call her and check up on her. If she's fine, then none of you're helping her but me! Understood?" Jimin suggests.

"Fine." Rest of the boys agrees.

"I'm gonna grab some adult juice meanwhile." Yoongi smirks, getting up to walk towards Jimin's fridge. 

"Hey!" Jimin protests.

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