Day 17: A gift

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Day 17: A Gift

Day one. Day one. Day one. Day one.

We are dating. We are dating. We are dating.

You wake up from the active dream you were having while your mind alerts with various things. The only thing your head and mouth chants is; "Holy Moly, mother of jolly! I'm in a relationship!"

Okay, Y/n. Calm down. You take a deep breath before composing yourself dramatically. You turn to your right and instantly jump to see a female body laying sideways, head rested against her hand, while other on her hips.

She raises one of her brows. "You know I can legit hear your thoughts." She speaks calmly.

You raise both your eyebrows this time. You both take a few seconds of pause before both of you break into a high pitched scream. "Oh, my days! How did the night go?!" Luna screams, "I can't believe this! Oh my God!"

"Amazing!" You only reply enthusiastically.

You hear another bunch of screams that was half screech and half squeal from both of you. Before both of you collect yourself and act like adults, you both fall against the bed and take a deep breath.

"Woah, I didn't even feel that happy when Tae proposed to me." Luna blurts out. "Jimin actually did that!"

"Me neither bro, me neither. I think I'm still dreaming. I can't believe I'm not single anymore..." You close your eyes before kicking the air as you recall the last night.

"Hold the fuck up." Luna deadpans. "You are not single anymore. What the fuck?! Oh my god! When did you grow up so fast-" she starts her monologue again.

"Bitch, shut up!" You snap back.

"WHAT?! Did you just-" There go your eardrums as Luna lets out the most horrific scream that ever to exist.

Oh no, did I swear again?!

Your mother, Mrs Kang gets up before kicking off the tiny table that was next to the couch. Upon hearing the news of the previous day and how everything turned out to be even better despite Evan and her attempt, were fueling her anger faster than ever.

"How dare you?! Couldn't you do one job properly?!" Evan gets told off. "You had one job!" Mrs Kang hysterically laughs. "You are useless, can't do anything properly without me babying you. Oh for God's sake I was the one who went mad that I thought you were worthy of even a dollar."

"Listen, woman." Getting irritated by the nagging, Evan pops off. "I ain't your daughter that you can scare me off. Talk to me with respect. If I can, I can blurt out all the shits you're pulling against your own family. So mind your own fucking mouth!" That's all Evan says, before getting up furiously and slam the door behind her before leaving.

That bloody hag, who does she think she is. I'm Evan. How dare you to ruin her life. Toxicity was in her veins in that time, no matter how much she tried to calm herself, all she could think is how you took Jimin from her.

Y/n, this is not done. You really messed up this time. You are forcing me to get personal. Fine, I definitely will get personal in that case.

She stomps once in a while, along the way while she picks up her phone to dial someone. This is really not done. You messed up with the wrong person, Y/n. If she can't have Jimin, she will make sure to wipe his name from your life too.

You come out of the shower while humming a song that concluded how much in a happy mood you were in. If that's how love makes someone feel, then you wished everyone fell in love every single day. Wrapping around the robe, you walk towards your dressing table and grab the lotion. Applying some of the moisturisers against your skin, you wear a big smile while recalling the kisses from the previous night.

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