Day 1: Jimin's countdown

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•Jimin's countdown•

"Meet me in the parking lot, eight pm; sharp. Don't be late."

That's all you remember from your absurd and the most awkward confession of yours to the man you've never spoken before. You were currently busy with your own thoughts as you walk towards the office of someone in particular, Kim Taehyung.

Regret slowly makes its own way towards you as you let the abrupt decision of yours lead your head. You really should have think it through before stepping forward and now it is too late.

However, you kind of liked the thrill. You have never realised, Jimin is a man with such powerful aura. Maybe you were overthinking or maybe you really enjoyed being overpowered by his sudden surprising and composed phase. Maybe you were just tired, otherwise your choice was rather perfect. He was a virgin himself, and wouldn't judge you.

You certainly found it surprising or rather shocking how he did not reject the idea of sleeping with you. I knew it, he's just as desperate as I am to lose his virginity. You smirk at your last thought before entering the office cabin.

"Hey, Taehyung!" You cheer smilingly. Taehyung, who was previously digging through his never-ending works, now remove his eyes from the file to you. His face immediately gets replaced by the welcoming boxy smile.

"What's up, Y/n?" He greets. "Oh my days, I at least thought you would bring me some drink." He speaks, indirectly offering himself a treat from you. You roll your eyes and take a seat in front of the man. "You still owe me from keeping a secret from your wife!"

"Yeah sure, all I asked you was to keep my birthday surprise for her a secret." He reminds you.

You've met Kim Taehyung at the workplace of yours. He's the head of research team, and was your mentor for the first year. He is two years older than you, and only last year he managed to get the promotion prior to his marriage with your best friend. You still remember how head over heels Luna was when she saw him for the first time and then you became his trainee. Although, you still like to brag about how Taehyung liked you more than her that time. Since during the selection process, Taehyung chose you over her.

"I'm here to ask you about something." You come straight to the point.

"Alright, if it ain't important can it wait till you treat me dinner tonight?" He smiles widely, you shake your head to the male before you. "Okay, what do you want?" He gives in as he grabs his water bottle. You smile widely.

"So how did it feel when you knocked my friend down?"

He almost chokes on the liquid as he goggles his eyes towards you, immediately after he composed himself. "Say what?"

"You heard me loud and clear." You smile. "Did it hurt? I mean I know it is going to hurt the first time! But to what extent? None of the textbooks really provides much." You ramble out.

"Are you implying how Luna felt? Because I clearly do not have a vagina. And if you are asking me, me and my dick both had a great time." Taehyung still decides to answer. "Why would you come to me for this? When you can clearly ask Luna about it?"

He had a point. Even if he shared his experience, both you and him were biologically different. "Right." You agree. Seeing Taehyung so amused by your sudden outburst, you felt hesitant but you still manage to keep a straight face.

However, Taehyung couldn't. His pit of laughter was cued the second later you decided to act serious. "Y/n, baby why did you come to me for this?"

"Tae! I was trying to be professional!" You at last whine, dropping the professional attitude. Although Taehyung has been a friend for over four years, you still wanted to behave professionally with him at work.

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