Day 14: Cupcakes & Kids

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Day 14: Cupcakes and Kids

Walking towards the flower shop, you felt an immediate smile to approach your face. The bright sunny day was making you feel overtly relaxed and content.

You pick up some fresh flowers for yourself as you walk out of the shop after paying and forwarding the lady a warm smile. Everything seems happier when you are happy.

Your eyes catch a bakery on the other side of the road. But that isn't the only thing that catches your eyes. The man, specifically the man who's serving the customers seemed oddly  familiar to you. When you squint your eyes harder and angle your head to get a better view, that's when you realise the man is none other than, Jung Hoseok himself.

What on Earth is he doing here? Did his family go bankrupt or something?

You do not let other thoughts to cross you when you enter the bakery. "Hoseok?" You call out.

"Y/n? Hey! Welcome!" He forwards you a bright smile as usual. You don't know how a man that you met in a very compromising position at a club can be such a sunshine. He literally lights up the entire place with a single smile.

"What happened?" You sadly ask with a sigh of sympathy. "Did Jung family lose all their money? Oh no,"

Seeing you genuinely sad was proving it to be harder for Hoseok to keep his chuckle down. "Y/n-"

"What happened?" You sadly ask again.

Hoseok at the end, not being able to control his laughter, he lets it all out when you stand there in bafflement. "Oh no, this is a charity project for an orphanage that is very close to my heart. I'm helping the kids to raise money for a good cause! Actually wanna meet my kids? They are inside, all excited and baking with Jimin and Evan!"

"Jimin is here?!" You ask in bewilderment. "What the hell?!"

"Ah yes, he is helping me!" He smiles. Honestly, seeing Hoseok being so good with kids and referring them as his own was making your heart melt. He is a man with heart of gold.

"I wanna meet the kids!" You smile. "And help too!"

"Awesome! The apron is inside, comeon. Kids will love you," He states as he guides you inside the bakery. When you enter the kitchen area, you immediately get invited by a few happy, cheering kids; age varying from nine to fifteen. "Kids! This is Y/n!"

You wave enthusiastically as the kids scream with, "Hey, Y/n!" With full excitement roaring from their voices.

"Y/N?!" A floury head peaked from the door of the inner kitchen. You glare at the man with spark shooting from your eyes, while his eyes on the other hand, bulge out in shock.

This morning when you called Jimin, he made it exceptionally clear that he is drowning in work that Namjoon has set him. And now here you find him, in a baking shop. You wouldn't despise the idea of him helping children, so it's beyond your understanding why he lied to you.

Jimin comes out while gulping in nervousness. "Y/n-" Jimin tries.

"KIDS! What are we making now?!" You excitedly asks, ignoring Jimin's attempt to converse.

"Oh! I know!" A little girl, excitedly comes forward. Her little head was covered with white powder, while her apron is fully messy with colourful icing. "We are baking the butterfly cake!" She giggles, showing her recent end product of the cupcake. "Look I made this!"

"Wow! That's so cool! What's your name?" You ruffle her hair, dusting a few flours to fly.

The girl giggles adorably. "Sara!" She giggles again.

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