Day 9: Surprise

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Day 9: Surprise

"So, now you need to talk." You sit on the bed, facing Jimin while folding your arms. You remain patient as the stubborn man keeps his vow of silence of how he doesn't wanna talk about his feelings.

"How about we sleep? I'm tired."

"You said you will!" You fight back.

"I said no such thing." He reminds you. "All I said was let's go home."

You frown annoyingly. "I'm gonna be mad again." You warn. He rolls his eyes at that, "I'm so scared of you!" He sarcastically marks.

"Jimin!" You whine a little, growing impatient due to the stubborn man. "Listen we both can play this game for the whole night or you can come here and cuddle me while you talk to me! Your choice."

His knitted brows slightly ease down, before his eyes look towards you. You smirk a little seeing him contemplating your offer. You fix your position under the white blanket while making a space for him. "Come on, you could be here next to me, snuggling!" You try to lure.

With a final grunt, he walks towards the bed. You observe him taking his shirt off to get ready for bed. You unconsciously put a big grin on your face. "You're such a child." He comments.

"Well, thank you. Now hurry up!"

He gets under the blanket without wasting any further time. You were wearing one of his white t-shirts for the night. The neck of the shirt was slightly bigger than you, revealing your neck and allowing Jimin to smirk at the art piece he created on your skin.

"Why are you smirking?" You question as you snuggle closer to his body. His hand rests against your waist and the other against his chest.

"Well, Nothing." He continued to smirk.

"Fine now speak. Why is it hard for you to open up?"

"Give me a moment, lady. Let me get in the mood!" He scolds. You roll your eyes at him even though he cannot see your face.

"Well, we don't got all day, at twelve I gotta call Taehyung, it's his birthday!"

"Yeah, Taehyung..." He mumbles under his breath. "What's wrong?"

"Y/n, you do know that I lost my parents." He suddenly drops. You stiffen at the first bombshell, not expecting it since all this time was only a matter of jokes.

"I'm sorry," You immediately say.

"Well, they aren't dead. But they just don't consider me as their son. From a very young age, I've lived with Taehyung's family. They are my real family now. Even though they never made me feel like I was an outsider, I still feel a sense of indebtedness towards them. It's not easy for me to not feel like I'm a constant burden you know. I've never taken anything for granted or neither I feel like I should. I need to repay them for their kindness somehow..." He starts.

There was a long silence. He expected you to say many things. Things like, same old 'it's okay', 'I'm with you,' however, you said none of it and instead, you remained quiet while listening to Jimin's heartbeat. Your fingers were tracing slow, comforting circles against his chest. Jimin waits for you to say something.

"You're wrong." That's all you say, catching Jimin off guard.


"You feel indebted, right? But imagine you decide to repay their kindness, do you think they will accept it? Do you think they are keeping a tab on you and waiting for you to return their favour?" You ask, pulling him closer and nuzzling your face against his neck.

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