D-7: Callin' you

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Callin' You

"I will be fine," You attempt to say again. Jimin simply rolls his eyes from the cupboard. He took your sleeping wear which was a comfortable big shirt and a soft, silk short. Putting above your bed, he comes to reach you.

"You can't even get up properly, and you're saying you will be fine?" He strictly questions. You look down, head already feeling dizzy and palms feeling hot and sweaty. You couldn't even look at him properly due to the weakness in your body that's weighing you down.

"Let's get up and get you cleaned up!" He states. Hand already moving behind your waist and legs to pick you up in a bridal style. Your cheeks turns crimson red due to the close proximity after what seemed like ages.

In the way to the bathroom, Jimin catches you biting your lower lip in nervousness. Your head was against his chest, making him feel the heat of your feverish cheeks through his shirt. He smiles faintly seeing you blush.

"It's okay, baby." He softly says, "Don't feel embarrassed. You're still mad at me and I'm well aware of it. Don't worry. Just take me as a helping hand that you could've gotten from anyone, if that makes you feel better," He read you like a book.

Anyone isn't capable of making my heart race like this though, You sarcastically think.

Putting you on the counter of your bathroom sink, you press your legs together shyly. You felt vulnerable around him. Yet he tried his best to take care of you and making you feel like you had control over his every action. "If I cross my limits, please let me know," He warns.

You nod.

"I will take off your cardigan, to wash your face," He informs before you proceed to nod and he takes the first layer of your clothing.

Running the tap with lukewarm water, he sets his hands. Balancing you in between him and the sink. He stands behind you, body touching your back.

You close your eyes when you feel his cheeks against your head. Breath fanning on your cheeks, as he came too close to you. You can see the reflection on the mirror, his arms were shielding you around both side of your waist. He could easily back hug you, but something tells him that you wouldn't like that.

"Okay bend down a little," You do as he instructs.

Jimin coughs abruptly as the position made it harder for you to not touch his body; or rather, a very sensitive part of his body.

Your eyes bulge out when you realise your position. You wiggle a little to get yourself away from his crotch, but the action made everything even more worse.

"I should've just called Luna..." Jimin mutters under his breath. He was visibly in pain and in the last strand of risking it all. 

Clearing his throat away from the brimming sexual tension in the atmosphere, he runs the tap faster. Without any warning, he slowly begin to splash water on your face.

"Slow down! You're gonna choke me at this rate," You scold, lightly coughing.

"Sorry!" He apologises.

You wanted tell him that you were capable of washing your own face, but his warm action made you stop your rejection.

"Get the facewash,"

"On it,"

While he reached for the facewash from the cabinet, his body pressed harder against you. At this point, you weren't sure if the heat against your skin was due to the fever or Jimin.  But you didn't complain.

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