D-1: Safe place

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D-1: Safe place

The party was long over. You counted the seconds of the time your head pounded mercilessly. You didn't know if it was cause of the hit it took or the amount of stress you were feeling at that moment.

You were stood, along with all of your friends and Jimin. Your mother and Mrs Kim were head-on while Jimin's biological parents were behind them, not knowing what to do. You still yet to have a moment to recall when you ever saw Jimin's adoptive mother being so cold and dominant. Her orbs did not show a single hint of backing down. The strong lady stood straight, confident enough to take whoever came in her way without a second thought.

"Jimin. H-he is your son?" Your mother tried her best to keep her composure but her speech betrayed her by stuttering before she could do anything.

Your mother wasn't dumb enough to enrage the Kim family. There were times that the two used to be alliances of one another, two powerful company going hand in hand. However, soon Mrs Kim found out about the illegal work habits your mother had and how their morals clashed. The once allies became rivals. Mrs Kang tried many times to tackle the opponent lady down, however, the Kim family was far more stronger than she could ever be. Therefore, after many failed trials, she decided it would be better to not mess with them.

"What did I tell you about staying away from my family?" Mrs Kim warned, both women knew they were talking about the last time they clashed when Mrs Kang conspired with Luna's well being. "Now you dared to even think about harming my son? My son. By using my sister and brother-in-law and a cheap girl?" He looked towards Evan upon mentioning.

Evan scowled at her. ''Do not test me, young lady. I've been far nicer to you than you actually deserve.'' She spits, making Evan slightly shake in fear.

"I didn't know Jimin was part of your family?!" Mrs Kang gets defensive, by looking towards Mr John's direction. The elder helper looks down, not regretting how he hid the fact from your mother.

"Do not look at John. You are even accepting the fact that you stalked my son?" Mrs Kim scoffs lowly. Dangerously eyeing your mother, ready to break down and snap in any given minute. Her tolerance and patience were running low. You cannot believe what you were witnessing; all you could see was an angry lioness who your mother dared to mess.

"I warned you, Kang. But not anymore. I'm not even going to apologise what's coming for you. You've messed with our lives enough. If the arrogance is whats keeping you standing like this with no remorse, then I will make sure to tear it down." With that, without waiting for your mother to respond, she signals her secretary and guards.

Within seconds, a group of cops and official people emerged. They were waiting for Mrs Kim's signal before getting ready to arrest your mother.

"You are under investigation for kidnapping, assault and deception." One of the officers informs. Mrs Kang immediately panics before looking around you guys.

Your heart drops and eyes give out in a matter of seconds. "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!" Your mother screams.

"What they did not say is you will also be under investigation for illegal trades within the company. Your stock shares are already dropping as we speak. I have enough evidence to throw you on the street."

"How did you-" Your mother shrieked in panic. You saw your mother breaking apart before your eyes. Unable to control any further, you break down into uncontrollable sobs. Jimin was quick to hold and take you into an embrace.

Afterwards, John owns up that he betrayed your mother for yours and Jimin's safety. That wasn't fed well by your mother as she drops on her knees before breaking more.

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