Day 18: Party gone wrong

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Day 18: Party Gone Wrong

"How do I look?" You ask Taehyung, who mindlessly struggles to wear a tie, ignoring your question. Clicking your tongue, you forget about yourself and approach your friend to fix his tie. "Ugh, you're such a mess!"

He pouts in return. "They are so annoying to do!"

"For a person who loves collecting necktie, you are crap at it!" You mention. The boy gives you a cheesy grin as you perfectly do the tie for him. "Luna always does them for me,"

"She's spoiling you! I need to have a word with her." You finish before you finish with a light pull and do his collar.

"Wah," Taehyung blurts.

"I know I'm amazing!"

"No, I mean you are! But Wah, you look beautiful." He gapes looking you from head to toe. You, feeling in cloud 9 at the compliment, link your arms with Taehyung before both of you check yourselves out in the mirror in front of you.

"Damn we look good!" He smirks before fist-bumping you. "We could easily pass as the most good looking couple at the party."

"Duh!" You flick your hair. "Where the hell did Luna go? Can she know that I'm almost about to steal her husband?!" You joke.

"Oh please, she would donate me if she could!" Taehyung laughs.

"Where is that penguin anyway?" You moan. Then remembering how she said she will join the party later with Jimin. The duo went to purchase a last-minute gift for Evan.

"Okay, how old Evan is turning again?" Taehyung asks. You freeze when our mind goes blank. "Oh shoot, I don't know..." You innocently mumble before you lock eyes with Taehyung. After a good five seconds, you both burst into laughter.

"Oh God! I can't believe you don't know," Making fun of you, he observes you rolling your eyes. At least you were better than Luna, who didn't know the party you all were attending was Evan's birthday party.

Abruptly, you receive a quick text from Namjoon saying: 'Get the fuck in here ASAP! I'm bored to death.'

You snicker at the text message before showing it to Taehyung. "Wow, he came very early."

You quickly text back before changing the chat and texting Yoongi to hurry up. As much as you knew him, Yoongi most likely forgot about the party altogether.

After checking his attire for the sixth time, Taehyung is ready to go.

"Let's go!" You excite and turn to grab your bag to rush out.

"Wait!" Your male friend stops you before touching your hair one last time to fix it. "There!" He smiles hugely. Seeing his adorable antics, you grab his wrist and drag him out of the house.


As you were inside the car, you open the window and let the cool wind to touch up your face. You smile before inhaling a good amount of crispy air to relax your entire body.

Seeing you calming down, Taehyung smiles. "Y/n, I am so happy for you. I'm honestly so happy." Taehyung drops all of a sudden. Feeling off guarded, you look to him with a slight frown.

"Well, that's not random at all!" You sarcastically say.

"I barely get alone time with you, allow me to get deep with my favourite girl." He winks.

You give him a quick gasp. "Wait till I brag about this to Luna!" You excite getting a mental note to yourself. Taehyung rolls his eyes lovingly. You and him both knew this. For Taehyung, you were his friend even before Luna made an appearance in his life. He was much closer to you before starting to even date your friend. He always claimed that Luna was his girlfriend but you were his best friend. No one could compare the feelings and love he had for you. He always had the urge to protect and look out for you, even more than he had for Jimin.

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