Day 2: Kink Club

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Day 2: Kink Club

"Oh my God." Your jaw was found debating whether to fall or remain intact with your face. "This-" at the point, it was crystal clear if your family had a single clue that you were at this moment standing in a place like this, they would definitely get a stroke.

Your figure subconsciously inches towards Jimin's body. The uncertainty of the place has you worried to the core.

Jimin looks towards you with a soft gaze. "It's okay," He encourages. "Besides they won't touch you or approach you as long as you are wearing this." As he finishes, placing a lanyard around your neck. "This states you are a newbie and don't wish to be touched or disturbed."

You look around the place, the red and velvet lights were an ongoing theme in the club. There was a big neon sign with a bunch of words; As well as the upbeat music was reaching your brain as you look around.

There was a stage that had various poles situated on it. You could see some girl wearing barely anything but cat ears with a two-piece. As they move your eyes catches a furry tail coming straight from their bottoms. Oh dear God, please don't tell she shoved that tail inside her asshole! Not only their attire that was out of ordinary, but some were also acting like their dressed animal. You saw a few men and some women, whipping them with spanking paddles and horsewhips. You cringe at the sight as if you felt the whip against your skin. ''Jimin! They are hurting her!''

''No, Y/n. it's consensual. Both parties are enjoying the activity.'' Jimin explains. "None of it are happening against their will."

''That's straight out torture and degrading a woman.'' You continue, ''I don't think anyone is enjoying this! Maybe the sadistic man who gets off by seeing someone in pain!'' You continue glaring at Jimin, you notice how his eyes glistening under the sensual red light of the club.

''Come, I will explain to you, baby,'' He takes your palm and guides you to the section of the club where you were originally staring at. You didn't get the chance to indulge the nickname he just called you with. You grimace at the scene immediately as you get closer.

You see the interior of the club being very rich in design. It was definitely one of the best looking club you've ever been in. There's nothing missing from this club. Not to mention how massive it is, as well as having floors upstairs and having staircase going underground as well. Somehow you feel like you don't wish to know what happens in the underground bit of the club.

''Aren't they uncomfortable?''

"No, everyone in this club came according to what they enjoy and seek pleasure from. For example, the girls over there are into pet play. So the woman enjoys being treated as an animal whereas the male enjoys being as the master. It's a two-way thing, the female is getting pleasured by being treated as a pet and the male is getting pleasured by dominating the female." He finishes and giggles as he sees you getting flushed at the newly learned information. "It's okay, Y/n! This is not even the weirdest part of the club, underground is based on the fetishes that people tend to find weird and the BDSM rooms, very intense and advanced one."

Your eyes enlargens at him. "Huh? I'm surprised no one is fucking already." You mumble.

"Well, that isn't allowed. It would be uncomfortable for anyone if you enter in a club and everyone is having sex, the club rule is if you wish to perform literal sexual activity, you gotta move it to the private rooms."

"How do you even know all this?"

"It's my club, baby." He laughs. "I own this club, that's my side job while working in our company." He informs.

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