Day 8: Office chaos

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Day 8: Office chaos

''Hello, beautiful!'' You hear a deep yet sweet voice of a man. You look upwards, noticing a male leaning against the counter above your desk. Your stressed self turned itself into a delighted one. The gummy smile was enough to melt all your worries.

''Yoongi!'' You sigh as you see not only he came but brought a drink along. ''Thank you!''

''No worries, now listen up.'' He immediately grabs a chair and takes a seat. You shake your head while sipping onto the drink. It was typical of Yoongi, being highly competitive and a genius at work sometimes required him to seek advice from others. For which when he needed help, he always bribed you with a drink.

''Sometimes, come to me when to just say hi, without any work tagging along with you!'' You jokingly add, ''I am not that bad you know.'' You playfully wink.

''Of course, sweetheart. How can I resist you?" He flirts back. It was very typical of Yoongi. When he works, he always tend be very serious and perfection seemed to be running in his veins. But when he is around you, he always seemed to be a very easygoing and a charming goofball.

You both immediately start your work afterwards. He occasionally passed random flirtatious comments, whereas you chuckled each time, equally firing back. You knew Yoongi, and this was his way of communicating. Neither he was serious about it, neither you were.

"So, that's it!" You conclude.

"You're the best." He ends. Flicking your hair, you give in to the compliment. "Well of course, I am."

"Oh, Hey Jimin," Yoongi greets. You turn your head only to greet Park Jimin himself. He was wearing his usual buttoned-up shirt with his work glasses on. You smile immediately seeing the male. However, you only get greeted by a scowl.

"Hey, Yoongi. What's up?"

"Everything's up except your brows!" Yoongi comically speaks, followed by a contagious laughter. "Give those brows a rest man."

You softly chuckle at the joke. You still expect him to see Jimin with a bit of emotion. However, he does not provide you much other than a straight face and a glare to your male friend.

"Anyways, Y/n darling, we are gonna have a team dinner after work today! So be ready to do a couple shot with me." He winks followed by a gummy smile.

"Deal!" You mimic a finger gun before you point at the enthusiastic man. He smiles before turning his heel to move to his next work.

"Hey, Jimin!"

You notice his eyes darkening. "Is everything okay?" You ask softly, getting up to reach him. Before you could touch him, he flinches away gritting his teeth.

"Obviously." That's all he says before moving to the side and leave your sight.

"Okay? Someone's not having a good day."

You hear Luna giggling from the table next to you. "What?" You question the laughing girl.

"You're gonna get it when the time comes, it took me a big fight and a marriage to figure out as well," She talks as if you are listening to her gibberish.

You roll your eyes at her before moving to walk towards the mini kitchen area in the floor you were currently in. Luna's word rings in your head, trying to figure out the meaning of her puzzle.

You pour yourselves a glass of water. Absentmindedly chugging the water, your eyes travel to the glass window. You catch Yoongi's eyes and he smiles at you adoringly. You return the smile before your eyes catch Jimin from the other side of the room, face straight and jaw clenching aggressively while abusing the keyboard.

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