Day 5: Party gone wrong

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Day 5: Party, Gone wrong

"Okay, so all you have to do is, break my marriage proposal. Simple." You state with ease before snaking your arm around Taehyung's. The man simply gives you a glare before clicking his tongue.

"Your plan is straight-up suicide for me, if my mum or Luna finds out." He barks. You frown at him before pleading with your eyes. "Pretty please?" You whine a little.

"Seriously could you have not hired anyone else for this? Did I have to be the one going to the man, who you are supposedly having a date with," He questions. "And be like, hey man keep it lowkey and don't scream but I'm having a secret relationship with your future wife so please leave us alone?"

"Yes, such a good memory you have!" You roll your eyes. "I swear this plan always works!" You promise although he didn't seem convinced.

"Why couldn't you ask Jimin? I swear you and him have something going on?"

You remain quiet, not wanting to disclose your feelings after that one morning, he didn't need to know how insulted you felt to the point that you don't even wish Jimin to see your body. Maybe something was wrong with you after all. You knew you sounded stupid, but then again, stupid stuff tends to hurt more. You have been ignoring his calls ever since you needed some time off to yourself to boost your confidence slightly.

"Erm, stop asking questions and get to work!" You scold.

"Why am I doing this? Moon will come in any minute with my mum." You facepalm himself.

"That's why you gotta do this before they come." You assure.

"Why am I doing this? Ugh." He moans again.

"Because you love me and you are a great friend." You curve your lips in motion before blinking twice. He pinches your lower lip before pulling it. "Own! You snake, it hurts!" You shout before rubbing your lips.

"As it should for making me do this." He smiles sarcastically. You simply groan in return. "I did my makeup as well!"

"Again, not my problem."

You both were stood on the second floor of the venue veranda from which you can see the view of the party going on. The entire open-spaced hall was filled with luxurious decorations and people cheering and having small talks.

You knew it was full of prestige people from all around the world. Your parents invited many well-known people. Private business parties like this were seen many by you, but not a single one that you ever enjoyed.

"Oh shit, the Jung family is approaching!" You suddenly catch a family entering. Seeing your mothers glowing with happiness meant one thing; It was the Jung family.

"Let's go!" Taehyung abruptly grabs your wrist and sprint towards the elevator. "Slow down! I'm wearing heels, idiot!" You protest.

Wearing a body-hugging, red dress that reached just below your knee gave you an elegant look. Your mother made sure to bring the best stylist to style your look today in order to impress the Jung family. But little did she know, you had another plan.

Your heels clicked along with your heart as Taehyung walked along with you. He slowed down right before greeting the Jung family. You bow respectfully before pushing yourself to smile.

Taehyung mirrored the same expression as you. "If you smile like that, they will show you the toilet. You look constipated," Taehyung mumbles. You do not wait before sneakily elbow his stomach. He winces in pain but managed to keep a straight face.

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