D-9: Denial

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That's all you say before pushing his familiar warmth away from yourself. Not letting him speak, you collect yourself and get ready to walk away. However, Jimin abruptly clutches your forearm, preventing you from moving away.

With a sigh, letting all his emotional speech that he wanted to say aside, he speaks sternly, "Listen princess, you gotta hear me out before chickening away." You almost could hear his low grunt.

You scoff, "Chickening away? Don't put my emotions so low. Besides, I'm talking to a cheater, I don't see why I need to hear your stupid explanation."


Meanwhile, Yoongi and Hoseok was out for a stroll. When Hoseok catches you two from far away, he immediately grabs Yoongi, and hides behind the bush. "Look!"

"Oh my God, these two... shouldn't they be crying and hugging each other, saying how much they missed each other?" Hoseok asks.

"Idiot, did you forget how did they end things? Besides, I bet that's exactly what they wanna tell each other but their ego is coming in the way." Yoongi shakes his head.

"We should help Jimin." Hoseok smirks.

"How? She looks like she's going straight inside  her bungalow immediately after Jimin let go off her hand."

"I mean, what if coincidentally the main door is locked?" Hoseok smirks, earning the same mirroring expression from Yoongi.

"Lemme call John and tell him to go sleep earlier than usual and you go  and by mistakingly lock the door." Yoongi signals.

The duo leaves out a hearty chuckle before proceeding their proud plan.


"Let go off me!" You say one more time. Jimin's patience was being tested. His anger was also approaching at the surface of his patience. He didn't come this far just for you to  not let him to speak. He was exhausted due to lack of sleep for past month and the long journey.

"You know what, fine. Get the hell away!" He blurts out. Jaw clenching out of anger, he turns his back away from you.

With a scoff, you roll your eyes before turning your heels. "Well, Thank you."

You wanted to ask him why is he here and also ask John how did he let Jimin trespass your property. However, you were too far with our emotions to talk to him.

You reach the door and try to open it. "What the hell?!" You try to push a little harder. "Are you serious right now?!" You stomp your legs as you whine involuntarily:

Jimin's attention was grabbed when he saw you struggling. Seeing you so riled up and annoyed, made him smirk a little. "That's what you get!" He shouts teasingly, sliding his anger a bit.

You frowningly snap your neck towards him to pass a glare. Seeing him smirk was making you angry even more.

Leaving the door knob, you fastwalk to him again. "What did you do?!" You snap, blaming him.

He chuckles sarcastically, "Oh so now it's my fault for your weak, precious and useless arm that can't even open a damn door?" Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Excuse me?!" You gasp dramatically, taking a huge breath and mentally ripping his hair apart. "Really? Then how about your strong, masculine, forever useful arms try to open the door?" You challenge.

"Alright then, I bet I can open it with one palm." Jimin arrogantly speaks.

"It's okay, you can use both of your palms and legs combined." You pass him a sarcastic smile.

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