D-6: The Moon

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D-6: The Moon

Your eyelids stretch softly before fluttering for a few times to open. The room was fairly dark, but you still could make out your surroundings. The front yard's light was coming through your room faintly from your big windows. All of a sudden, you see a figure walking around.

The back of your head felt sweaty. Not only the back, so was the entire body of yours. Your cheeks and forehead getting sticky due to the heat and sweat against your skin. Your insides were burning as fatigue was taking over your body. You let out a low whimper as you struggled to fully open your eyes.

The figure kept on walking around until it grabbed a small towel. Your eyes were already close by the time he reached near your bed.


You whimper. The wet towel met your forehead, wiping it. He squeezes the towel again with water and repeated the process of placing it above your forehead. After that, he began to slowly wipe your face, throat and arms.

Your body starting to relax a little. Soon, you fell back to sleep again.

You wake up feeling fairly recharged. Your fever has gone down by a lot as you could easily move around and feel your head at ease, not demanding to be split open.

You do a morning stretch before realising next to your waist, there was a head. "Oh my God!" You held your heart in fear. Recovering from the jumpscare, you study the face.

Jeon Jungkook.

Then it all makes sense. The figure you saw last night taking care of you was Jungkook. Was he near you for the entire night?

Biting your lower lip, you think guiltily. You contemplated if you should nudge him to wake him up. Thankfully, he begins to shift before you could do anything.

Stretching, he smiles to you. "How are you feeling?"

"Much much better! Thank you and I'm so sorry,"

''Sorry for what?'' He asks, clueless.

''You stayed at night and even took care of me? Thank you so much but you should've left Kook.'' You guiltily speak.

Jungkook frowns his brows in confusion. He simply had no idea what you meant until the memory of Jimin leaving your room, early in the morning flashed in his head. Jimin stayed over the night? However, Jungkook decided to not question it, seeing your current feelings towards Jimin.

"Hey! Don't mention it! Let's go eat, rats are running around my belly like crazy!"

"Yikes, you should work on your sayings! Let me quickly wash up and we can go to eat!"

"Are you sure you can handle it? I think you're still unwell," You thought he was worried until he said the following line, "Maybe I can come and help you change..." He smirks playfully. You roll your eyes in return before chuckling softly and push the male away.

"Hush! Go wash up! I will see you," You close the door before him.

"Your loss!" He shouts from the other end, only for you to chuckle at his childishness.

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