Day 15: Odd intervention

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Day 15: Odd Intervention

You pass your friend the glass of cold water as she streams her tears against Jimin's shoulder. You would prefer if she opened up her reason for tears but at the same time, you understand that it is difficult for her to open up. One thing that's beyond your liking is why she coming to Jimin at this hour of the night. No matter how much you trusted Jimin or even tried to be civil with their friendship, as a girl you're more than uncomfortable having her alone with the guy that you love.

"What happened, Evan?" Jimin asks again. He pats her shoulder soothingly. Your bite your lower lips and grab onto your robe that you were wearing, trying to calm down your inner conflict. You knew Evan was upset, but knowing their past together, you felt very uneasy about their proximity. You can try your best to be calm but how can anyone explain the pain around the heart?

Evan now embraces Jimin, ignoring your presence completely. Out of kindness, Jimin returns her hug while smoothing her back with his palms. You grip onto your robe tighter, feeling the rush of sickness coming to you. They were so close, looked so perfect with one another. Your mind wandered with many insecurities. Jealousy would have been an understatement, it was more than that. Hurt and the feeling of betrayal as a girl and as a friend what you'd say you felt like.

You don't know if you were overreacting, but your feelings also mattered. You feeling hurt was justifiable, especially when you're uncertain of your relationship with Jimin. There wasn't a time he reassured you anything about Evan.

"Jimin!" Evan cries even more, soaking his shirt up. "C-can I stay here overnight?" She requests sadly.

"Of course," Jimin states.

There you go. Another red flag in front of you. What if you weren't here with Jimin and at your own house? Would Jimin still let her stay with him? Alone?

"Thank you." She wipes her tears. At last, separating from Jimin, she looks at you. With an apologetic smile, she tries to move towards you to talk. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything?"

Yes. "No, not at all." You smile.

"Ev, how about you go to sleep if you don't wanna talk now?" Jimin smiles gently. You try to do the same but your feelings were working as a barrier.

"Can I sleep with you?" Evan sweetly asks Jimin. "Like the old times?"

"What? No!" Your mouth speaks up before you could. Seeing your sudden outburst, Evan tears up even more.

"I'm so sorry! It's just-" She lets out another broken sob. "I just don't want to be alone tonight."

Feeling sudden anger coming through yourself, you look at Jimin in the hope of an answer that favours you. However, nervously letting out a broken chuckle, Jimin says, "Er, sure, sleep in my bed tonight."

"What the hell?!" You burst again. "Are you serious right now?! If she doesn't wanna sleep alone then she can sleep with me, why on Earth would she need your bed and YOU next to her?!"

"Y/n, calm down-"

"No! I won't! Who the hell do you take me as?" You hated to admit that tears of anger were making its way to you. A lot of emotions overwhelming your mind was never a good idea.

"Y/n, I was about to suggest you sleeping with her-"

"No! You weren't!" You shriek out.

"You're overreacting now! Y/n stop." This time Jimin raises his voice slightly in demand. Heart collapsing in your stomach, your lips tremble.

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