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I was finished with eating and so was everyone else . I went to my room to change into something more comfy other than jeans and a shoulder top,I changed into this:

 I went to my room to change into something more comfy other than jeans and a shoulder top,I changed into this:

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I put on some Nike trainers and ran to the door where everyone else was waiting.
Mervin sighed because he didn't want to go with me and Sasha but he opened the door and we walked to the park.
Mervin was walking at the front on his phone and Sasha and sam were chatting in the middle as I was behind everyone with josh by my side , I was nervous so I went on my phone and scrolled throw the for you page on Tik Tok , as I scrolled down I saw a Tik Tok of his and without thinking I liked it,and he saw he chuckled and then said:
You like me huh?
Wait,who told you...oh you mean the Tik Tok oh um*clears throat*yah.
So it is true.
What is...?
That you like me.
*blushes and looks away*who told you that.?
Well he was lying because I don't like you*blushes again*
Your cute when you blush
Shut up!*giggles*

I playfully punched his arm and he laughed.
I walked to Mervin and started asking why he told Josh I like him yet I didn't tell him anything or how I felt about josh but he completely ignored me ,l ike i wasn't even next to him.

Okay then don't talk to me, see how you'll succeed in life.
Bye then stupid ass.

I walked back to josh who was looking at his phone he looked busy so I just went on my phone mine and scrolled throw instagram until we got to the park.

At the park:
We got to the park and I immediately ran to the swings I asked Sasha to push me but she said she wanted to go to the bench with Jayden.
I can push you
I looked over at Josh and said"sure why not"he came over to me and held my waist,I gasped for air because no one had held me like that before.
You okay?

He pushed me on the swings for a while until he sat on the swings next to me and we got to know each other more,we exchanged numbers and Snapchats and talked to him a bit more.
Turns out that:
His zodiac is Aquaris
He's favourite food:pizza,pasta and some healthy stuff
He prefers coke to Pepsi
He's favoirite colours are blue,black,red and yellow
He's birthday is 31st of Jan (it's his real bd in real life btw)
He's 17
He's popular on Tik Tok ,duh!
The most embarrassing moment in his life is when he was in 9th grade when it was his first day and he went to the completely wrong class.
He loves entertaining people and loves acting his acted in movies like:
Brothers keeper and summer time dropouts.
⬆All these facts are true btw⬆,anyway on with the story:

We all got bored from the park so we went to the store to get some snacks we bought some juice and candy and ate them as we walked back home.

At home:
We came back home and everyone went to the basement to hangout for 2hours until Josh and Jayden went home.
So what?
What about him
Come on ! Tell me what you guys talked about.
How bout you tell me about you and Jayden huh!you guys were talking 24/7 no actually it was more of 25/8.*laughs*
Whatever,don't tell me then!
Your phone: buzz buzz
I looked at my phone and Josh wanted to face time , I accepted and me and sasha talked to him until she went to shower and went to bed and I was still talking to him.
We facetime until 3am in the morning until he fell asleep on ft , I posted a pic on Insta but blocked my face , because i wanted to.

We facetime until 3am in the morning until he fell asleep on ft , I posted a pic on Insta but blocked my face , because i wanted to

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Y/n:He fell asleep on our ft 😆
Liked by jaden.hossler and 100,000 more

Jayden hossler:
↪what r u still doin awake?
You facetimed Josh richards!!!!!
Omg your so luckyy!!
I am so jealous!!!!!
↪what's the big deal?
You probably just using him for clout,attention seeker!😠
↪take that poop out of your buttom.got to keep it pg guys.
Damn someone's good at comebacks.
↪Omg!Sam fricking Hurley.hiiiii
You Mervin's sis right?
↪that's me bby,jks jks jks unless...
867more comments

I put my phone on charge and went to bed because it was getting late.

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