~The plan~

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I woke up to the sound of the bell ringing and to a familiar voice . I quickly recognise it was sasha,i threw myself out of the bed and headed downstairs to meet her . Then there she was dressed up and holding two cups of starbucks in her hands.

y/n:Hey you

sasha:Hey sleepy head,get up I got coffe


We drunk our coffee as we scrolled through our phones and chatted,we were just talking about our relationships then I had this amazing idea.

y/n:*gaspa in air dramatically*SASHAA


y/n:we should surprise then


y/n:the boys dummy

sasha:oh ya-we could,suprise them at one of there stops

sasha:ya and I really need to tell you something...

y/n:what is it?

sashai um...i got a call this morning...GUESS WHO HAS A MANAGER!!!!

y/n:WHATT?!!!?OMG THAT means wait...that means your leaving for tour then...

sasha:ya that's the bad thing bubs,but...I think you might wanna talk to your dad

y/n:what did you do?

sasha:nothing-jus go talk 2 him

Before i even got up to go to my dad he walked into the room with a big bright smile on his face,i looked at sasha who was smiling too then I looked back at him.

y/n:cut the crap,what's going on?

dad:I got a call from a certain Manager and they said that they want a certain someone to go on tour and ,and that certain someone is-

i cut him off and jumed up and down like a child-screaming my head off"AM GOING ON TOUR AHHH-JOSHH AM GONNA SEE JOSHH!!! at this point sasha and my dad were laughing there heads off at my reaction but I didn't care,as long as I was going to see my baby.

y/n:wait why didn't they just call me before tour even started because tour just started yesterday.

dad:i dont know,but all I know is that you need to get packing-I already booked your flight,its tomorrow so you have enough time to go shopping for clothes or whatever girls buy these days.

y/n:omg!!thankyou.i went over and hugged my dad since I was so happy he hugged back and slipped money into my hands for the shopping,i turned to see sasha on the bed smiling at her phone so she must have been texting jaden or something.I went to shower and put on josh's hoodie that smelled of his cologne and some jeans,me and sasha then went shopping and bought new outfits and clothes for the tour. We came back to my house tired and sasha got a suitcases from her car and we packed our clothes and whatever we needed after that we took turns to take showers and we put on our pyjamas,sasha was awake texting jaden and I was facetiming josh for 30 mins but didn't tell him about our plan,

josh:your going to bed early

y/n:whatever and 11:00pm isn't that early

josh:whatever you say babygirl-uma bout to go to a party so uma get ready.

y/n:oh okay see you tomor-i mean in a few mounths

It took me two much not to  tell josh I was goin to see him tomorrow  so
I divided to end the call  early and I plugged my phone into the socket and I went to sleep and sasha later on fell asleep too.I woke up by sasha shaking me,i sat up rubbing my eyes as she stood up and walked over to the bathroom,she went to brush so I went to brush too,until she wanted to shower,i walked out of the bathroom and unplugged my phone from the socket and scrolled through Instagram and then I stubbled at a post that almost broke my heart.

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