~Trust me~

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I was now running to Sasha but she kept on going until she reached the boys room and burst the door open,all the boys looked at her as she was now balling her eyes out because of what she saw. I soon caught up and also went inside i was also crying and begging Sasha not to say anything."Sasha please,dont say anything-its not important please"

Sasha:NO you hurt me and the sad thing is I actually believed u were my freind.And he deserves to know the truth

y/n:But your only hurting him if you tell him!

Sasha:Well he's gonna find out sooner or later that you are a little snake

y/n:well then i will tell him-its not your place to say anything.

all the boys now had concerned and confused looks on they're faces as they watched me and sasha yell at eachother then josh came in and asked"woah woah woah,what's going on?"i cried again and said "am so sorry"i said as i burst out crying sasha then said"I saw her and jaden kiss in the lobby"my heart dropped as i heard what she said and i fell to the ground on my knees and cried.

Josh stood there in shock,just looking into the air and he clenched his fists and when i saw them i immedietly stood up because i knew what he was gonna do,i went infront of him and said"Josh...no it was an accident please dont hurt him"i looked into his eyes and he looked into my red puffy eyes and brought me into a hug and i cried into his chest."Why would you do this y/n!, josh u dont deserve a cheater like her and by the way y/n we are done,i would rather be lonely than be friends with you ". Sasha then stormed out of the room in anger and in tears and slammed the door behind her. After the hug Josh then said:

Josh:Is it true?

y/n::ya,but i didn't do it he came on me,i promise-trust me

Josh examined my face and just nodded his head,i breathed out in relief and leaned my head on his chest because i thought he woudn't belive me.


I still hadnt talked to Sasha about what had happened and I was cuddling with Josh in the boy's room.I ended up sleeping in josh's arms.

I woke up to josh whispering something in my ear"babe babe babe babe babe"he kept on saying it until I woke up,i opened my eyes and he stopped then he said"we have 2 more hours till our first show,we need to get ready""okayyy"i said as I stood up,i didn't want to go back to my room to get ready because I knew that sasha would be there and I wasn't ready to talk to her,so I asked josh if I could shower in his bathroom and he said yes.I called avani and asked her to drop off some clothes at the boys room for me because i didnt want to talk or see sasha's face yet-she got my clothes and I dressed up into this:

I called avani and asked her to drop off some clothes at the boys room for me because i didnt want to talk or see sasha's face yet-she got my clothes and I dressed up into this:

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i walked out of the bathroom and saw josh changed aswell and so were the other boys.



josh:k,lets go then

the boys walked over to the door and we got out and knocked on the girls room.Avani opened the door with sasha behind her and they both got out and we all walked to the lobby were we went to our show.When we arrived at the venue,we were greeted by our managers who told us who was standing were.i was standing next to sasha on the right which was weird and to add on to the awkwardness jaden was by my left and josh was after sasha"no no no"i wishpered but loud enough for josh who was next to me to hear,he held my hand as he whispered back"you can do this"i smiled at his statement as he looked at me,but his look was different from the ones he'd given me before,but I pushed that thought to the side."alrigth positions everyone"the managers yelled as we all walked to where we were meant to be,i walked over to my spot and stood there feeling out of place.After a few minutes people started getting in and the meet and greet began"WHO'S HAPPY TO BE HERE!!"mike yelled and the crowd went wild "LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROADDDD!!".When it was time for my hugs the first girl had the biggest smile on her face as she came and hugged me.

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