you later

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5 days went by and me and the boys were hanging out a lot and just talking about the future, we then started talking about moving to LA,we had everything set out and our plan was solid,we just needed to tell our parents.

I woke up and forced myself outa bed,I went to shower and brush do a lil pee then dressed up into Josh's hoodie and some shorts.I went downstairs and mervin was talking with my mum and dad about something,I walked over to them and sat down.


Dad:hey kiddo

Mum:sleep well


Mervin:anyways we decided to merge our money and for rent we each put in an equal amount.

Oh there talking about moving in

Y/n:is this about the LA thing

Merbin:yeah,so what do you think

Dad:well I think it's a good plan and it thought out and well planned.

Mum:hold on,who's living with you

Me:oh me,the boys,the hype house I k ow it sounds like a lot of people but we've thought about the rooms and how we will merge them

Mum:oh okay,well am fine with it

Mervin:good cause moving day's in 2 days so we can have family time.

Y/n:okay,I'll get the board games

Dad:I'll get the food

Mum:ill get the movies

Mervin:I'll put the music on

he always plays the music too loud.
We had fun that day just reminiscing on the past and telling jokes,playing games and just having a good family time and everyone stayed in there pjs which was a first.After that we all went to bed because we were really tired.

The next day I woke up with mervin shaking me.

Y/n:wtf do you want

Mervin:pack your bags we meet the boys in an hour.

I got up and went to the bathroom and had a shower then brushed my teeth and put on a tank top and grey leggings.
I got my suitcases,emptied my closet and started folding my stuff.
30 mins later
As I was packing up I felt some one hug me  from behind I knew it was Josh by his grip and his cologne,he planted soft kisses on my cheeks and pulled me closer to his chest.
Josh:hey babygirl,I missed you
He said turning me around hugging me as I hugged back.

Y/n:I missed u too.wait hold up did you pack?
i said as he pulled out the hug
he said as he plopped  on my bed

Josh:come here

I said as I joined him on the bed

We were on the  bed cuddling for about an  hour on our phones and talking  until a thought  popped up in my head.

Y/n:hey babe
Josh hummed in response

Y/n:what are we gonna to do about the jaden situation I mean,we are going to be in the same house.

Josh: I know but, we will figure it out somehow it will get better.

Y/n:yeah,your prolly right 

I got up and finished the last piece of packing that I needed to do, after that,Josh helped me put my bags and mervin's bags in Mervin's car. After that we headed back inside to say our goodbyes.

Mum:am gonna miss you two trouble makers

Y/n:oh mum
I got teared up

Mervin:we can come visit

Mum:you better
I hugged my mum but this wasnt a good bye i then walked over to my dad.

Dad:dont do-

Y/n:anything stupid,I know

Dad:oh come here
He said and pulled me into a hug
Tears were now rolling down my face.

Y/n:uma miss you guys
We all got into a group hug
Mum:oh josh come here,your family too.
He joined the hug then we took pictures and walked out of the house,we got in the car Mervin was driving and me and Josh was sat in the back because you wanted to sit next to each other,we drove to the boys houses picking each one up after we got everyone we headed to chase's house to stay there for the night.

In the morning we all got up and drove to Ihop for breakfast,after that,we started making our way to the airport,we put music on and jammed in the car.We had to have two cars cause we all couldn't fit in one.When we arrived we took pictures then signed in and everything then boarded the plane.

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