~new friendships~

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It was now like 2am and we had to think about leaving since we had playlist in the morning.

Turned out that kevin was staying at our hotel and his room was just down the corridor so that was unexpectedly great.

We got into our rooms,waved bye to kevin and passed out.

Am familiar voice woke me up and I completely forgot that we were broken up.


Me:yes babe
I said sitting up and facing josh
Me:oh fuck,uh-oh mean um

Me:just-forget I ever said that

He chuckled and looked down.


Josh:oh um you just came to wake you up.we leave in 20 mins

Me:oh okay thanks

He then looked at me and looked like he was gonna say something but just turned around and walked away.

Okay then

I hoped out the bed and showered and stuff then put on a white top and black jeans(pic later)after that I decided to see kevin,i went to open the door.

Josh:were are you going?
Me:to see kevin

He rolled his eyes

Me:okay,stop now

Josh:well,we broke up just yesterday and your already...

Me:already what?,seeing different people? Bro you did it first get your stupid facts straight plus were not even dating.

Josh:it doesn't change anything

Me:nice to know,oh and tell your fans were done cause am gonna tell mine at playlist or something

Josh:nice to know

I scoffed and exited the room,he was acting like a child!
I walked down the corridor and knocked on kevin's door.he opened it and I saw the boys in there .except josh of course.

Me:wtf are yall doing in here

Alejandro:could ask you the same question

Me:I came to say hello
I said looking at kevin and I realised he was already staring which made me go red.

Anthony:dude kevin's a bro so stop stealing him

Me:am the one who introduced him


Me:what so yall are besties now
I said crossing my arms

Kio:Yes,That's our baby

All the boys:and ain't NOBODY FINNA TOUCH HIM

Me:um,okay well were leaving for playlist in a few

Jaden:well Kevin's coming with us right?

Me:you wanna come?

Kevin:ye sure

Me:k,let's go
I walked backwards and bumbed into someone who was behind me.
Me:oh shit so-
I turned around to see josh and I just rolled my eyes and just walked passed him.

Kevin:hey,I don't think we've meet,am-

Josh:kevin.i know.

Kevin:oh,okay cool

We were in the car and I sat next to kevin and my best pal-the window as josh was shot gun with bryce driving jaden was next to kevin and sam,chase and antman in the back

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