~finally 17~

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I woke up with a buzzing headache from all the drinks I had last night,I felt the arge to vomit so I got up,realising that I was naked and ran to the bathroom were I threw up in the toilet.

I then wiped my mouth and sat down on the floor coughing,I slowly stood up and went back into my room were josh was now awake and sat up on the bed.

Josh:you okay?

Me:yeah,I think so
I said grabbing a t-shirt that was on the floor and put it on.

Josh:we move into the swayla in a few days tho


Josh:yeah,but your coming so that's fine

Me:but charli and madi,avani-

Josh:well,there going Hawaii and your the only one who's gonna be living with us boys so,feel honoured


Josh:but what?,its not everyday that we invite a noobie into our den.

Me:okay I guess I'll live in "your den"
I said quoting with my fingers.

The rest of the day was a chill day,everyone was packing up for Hawaii and the boys for the swayla-do it the sway way,nessa was finally going back home-she went with sasha.

The day had come when everyone was parting ways for a while,we were at the airport dropping off the Hawaii peps,when we finished saying our goodbyes,we dropped of the rest of the hype house then me josh and the boys continued to our new house/home-the swayla.

We got into the house and I was mesmoried,the boys had been here a few times so it wasnt that big of a shock but it was my first so there ya go.

I got a house tour by jaden and then unpacked my stuff and clothes and everything.

It was a new chapter to our lives,new beginning were about to start,the beginning could be the end of the end and the end can be the beginning of the beggining.

Time skip to 19th of jan
MY BIRTHDAY(its not my real bday btw)
I woke to hearing footsteps approached me as I was sleeping,I slowly opened my eyes and I was showered with the boys singing happy birthday-every single one of them singing there hearts out,I sat up in shock and my heart warmed up from that feeling Inside.

I feel loved

I then said thank you and the day began,I had my breakfast in bed then went downstairs and a bunch of presents lay on the kitchen counters or on the floor cause there was no space.

Me:oh fuck,you guys

Me:why you buy so many
I opened some each present making
me smile from ear to ear.

Me:Okay,who got me a vibrator?
I said lifting my hand that had it up in the air for them to see,they all just looked at each other givgling and didn't answer me.

The whole day went by and I opened presents,I then got taken out to a restaurant with all of them and we had a blast,absolute best birthday I could possibly ask for.

Sowy sowy sowy for the short chapter,am not feeling my best cause mi leg hurts so ye👍💖

Rose's are red
Voilets are blue
If it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you

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