~one month later~

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A month after
Last mouth was a blast,I turned 17,josh turned 18 and this month marked 5 months together-it's feb now and playlist is coming up which is gonna be a blast and am really excited the hype house came back from Hawaii but we haven't visited in a while since social media making it weird.
We were now packing for playlist which was in Orlando and we were going in the afternoon.

I yelled from the top of the stairs so they could all hear-thats how I always wake them up.

All the door started to open slowly by slowly as the boys stepped out of there rooms and came downstairs i had already made breakfast so we just dug in a ate,after eating we began to get ready and load our bags into the cars and stuff.
I wore:

After loading our bags into the boot of the car we starred thinking about leaving,the maids were finished with there work of the day so then we locked the door and everything then set of to the air port

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After loading our bags into the boot of the car we starred thinking about leaving,the maids were finished with there work of the day so then we locked the door and everything then set of to the air port.

I was sat next to kio-I had a window seat and josh was shotgun with bryce driving everyone else was sat down or in the other car.

Me and kio dont really know eachother,I haven talked to him just seen him round the house since he's been living with us for like 2 days now but he has this weird vibe or sometimes I catch him staring at me or winking.

Bryce then put on some music and the first song that came on was change ya mind.
Then the part of "promise me I'll change your mind, just let me freak you,keep this this between me and you,I'll freak your mind"
kio looked me dead in the eye and mouthed the lyrics to me and licked his lips at the end,he caught me off gaurd and I felt my face heat up as he looked away smirking.

I looked back at the window and pretended like nothing happened,a few minutes later we arrived at the airport and got our luggage then signed in and stuff.

after that we boarded the aeroplane and got into our seats all ready to go,I then posted on my instagram story:

after that we boarded the aeroplane and got into our seats all ready to go,I then posted on my instagram story:

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After that I turned my phone off and Josh who was next to me did the same.

The plane ride was pretty boring,I decided to go to the bathroom so I'd did,i walked over and used the toilet after i flushed, washed my hands then opened the door to leave and to my surprise kio was standing there probably waiting,I went passed him and he brushed his hands on my ass,I turned around to face himself but he was already inside so I coudnt do much but go sit back down.why is he like this? Should I tell josh? I dont even know him.

I kept thinking as I walked back to my seat  puzzled and Josh noticed and asked.


Me:what ki-j-Josh
Did I almost call him kio? Wtf

Josh:you okay?,you look stressed

Me:n-nop,just excited!!
I said putting my head on his shoulder,he kissed my forehead


~Time skip~
Josh woke me up by taping me a bit and I slowy got my head off his shoulder as my eyes fluttered open,I got up from my sit and josh got my bags from the upper compartment and we headed out.

We walked to get our suitcases then called the boys to meet up.

Josh rang someone then handed me the phone and went to use the toilet

??:sup bro

Me:its y/n,anyway were are you guys so we can meet?

Kio:were at starbucks gorgues

Me:can you no-
Before I finished my sentence i heard him chuckle then end the call.
Josh got out of the toilet then I told him that they were at starbucks he intertwined our fingers then we wondered around the airport tryna find a starbucks.

We finally found it and went inside and quickly found the boys sat at a table.

Jaden:look who decided to show up

Josh:who?,your brain
We laughed then sat there waiting for them to finish.
Josh was on his phone and I felt someone put there leg against mine,I looked up and faced kio who was opposite me smirkinb,I then took my legs off and cleared my throat as I sat up.

Me:guys hurry up am tired

Bryce:our ride should be here to take us to our hotel

Me:okay,just.tell the ride to speed up.

Bryce:what up with you
Again kio put his leg against mine,this time he was just continuing to eat as if nothing was happening.

Me:nothing's up okay,just ugh!
I got up and left for a breather,I walked outside as the boys looked at me in confusion as I I walked out.
I was now outside and I took a few breathes before having the chills since it was cold, I just stood there and a few seconds later until warm hands embraced me making me warmer, I melted into Josh arms as I turned around to face him and his reassuring smile that made everything a certain amount of,okay

Josh:babe,what's up?brace.

Me:I-nothing,am ju-

Josh:just exicted? Nop,I don't believe you this time

Me:am fine tho,I really am
Josh:I smell cap

I looked down at the floor since I didn't really know how to answer him,he placed his hand on my chin and lifted my face up to face him as he pushed my hair up our of my face.

Josh:tell me when he ready,okay?
I nodded my head as he pulled me more into his warm embrace.

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