Chapter 1

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There's this house I always pass when I go my personal "thousand things on my mind" walks. It looks like a big scary house, just horrible with the windows all broken and destroyed. But when I look at it,  I don't see a scary house like everyone else do. I see nature taking its course, I see a home that use to be.

 The house doesn't scare me,  it does the opposite, it intrigues me. I always get this funny feeling like its calling for me to explore it. It's not that I'm scared to enter it, I just don't want to enter something that isn't for me to enter.

But today was different, The autumn has just released its first leaves. The house looked so peaceful. Even through the earplugs and the music I could hear it calling my name. "Cassie".  I felt it pulling me towards it and I decided to take my first step closer. The inviting feeling made me shiver and pull me further. As I walked towards the stairs I took a long look at the door. I swept my fingers along the three fence by the stairs, it was so smooth. The patio looked honestly like hell. The leaves where covering it all up. But still it looked beautiful with all the colors and the matching sunset was making everything almost sparkle. I kept my music in my ears.  I started to sing along with the lyrics.

I can live without money,

I can live without the fame,

And if every day was sunny,

I can live without the rain,

And if I ever went up to heaven,

I would fall right back down,

that life wouldn't be living ,

because you're the one I couldn't live without

The song had stuck to my heart. The love he sing about doesn't exist in real life. But it's okay, I rather live in my imagination sometimes then in real life. My personal quote in life is "There is music for every feeling" and it's true. Well in my case it is. I returned back to where I was. I was actually considering knocking on the door. I mean I know there's no one living there but maybe just to show respect.

I considered it for a while when the door cracked open by itself. I looked back to see if anyone was watching. I didn't see a soul. I turned back and opened the door. The smell of wood hit me as I entered. The house must have been abandon for a very long time. The inside was very dark but It didn't scare me. I started to explore the first room which looked like a living room. There was still some stuff left here. The furniture looked like it was from the 18th century or something. It looked beautiful.

 The dust was only bothering. But the room itself was taking you back in time, the walls, the feeling.  I saw a little box placed on the little table beside a couch. My curiosity had the best of me. I opened the box and saw a necklace with a key on it. The weirdest feeling was telling me the necklace belonged to me.  So I kept it. I continued to explore the house and came to the kitchen. It was so dusty. But there was something that caught my eye. There was a spoon that looked like it was used recently. I picked it up and took a good look at it, strange. My gut was telling me I wasn't alone in the house and it didn't scare me either. I walked back to the hallway and looked up the stairs that was leading up to the bedrooms. I wondered if there might be someone hiding up there. But who would want to be hiding in an old abandon "scary" house? As I was walking closer to the stairs my phone started to buzz and it startled me. I picked it up and saw my mom's name on the screen. Well time to get home. I answered my phone and of course I got a lecture.

"where are you?? Its dark outside, you know to well that it's not safe to wander the woods at night, I've told u so many times, now get home right away!"

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